Nintendo DS, 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by ming, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Napokon :smt007

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  2. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Jest mu bezveze ekran ništa se ne vide, rekao bih da je osvjetljenje prejako :roll:
  3. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Jesi ga uzeo u BiH Sulu, koliko repa ak nije tajna??
  4. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Nije bio skup, a Haker se zajebaje. Opusti se :wink:
  5. Raptor

    Raptor Aktivista

    Re: Nintendo DS

    dobar, dobar DS - nema sta.
    BTW, kakva ti je ono neonka u kucistu? :p :roll:
  6. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    cim ovaj crni psp zamjenim bijelim eto i meni crnog ds-a... :mrgreen:
  7. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    suljaga jel moze informacija di si ga nabavio i za koliko krvnih zrnaca.ako nemozejavno daj posalji PM ;)
  8. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Kad legne passkey nabacim koji vodic za homebrew 8)
  9. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    znaci radi bootanje sa mp3 playera iz slota2? :mrgreen:
  10. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Jos swingam po googleu :mrgreen:
  11. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    M3 DS Simply sa Moonshellom moze bootati Slot2 aplikacije to sam skontao. Taman ce dobro doci Mp3 player storage :smt004

    Btw, M3 Simply je na putu za BiH :smt004 :smt004
  12. syss

    syss Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    si kupio na kraju kod nas?
  13. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Ne, sredio mi jedan jaran preko ŠveCke :smt004
  14. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Kako saznati koji firmware se nalazi na DS-u;

    The firmware version of a DS can be confirmed using the Pictochat Test, also called TakeMeOut: [1]

    1. Insert a DS card or a GBA Game Pak into the DS. (If a GBA Game Pak does not work, try a DS card.)
    2. Turn on the DS, open Pictochat and enter a chat room.
    3. Remove the card.
    4. Both screens should now be filled with a solid color.
    5. Additionally, this color is also shown for a brief second before the DS enters Sleep Mode when the lid is closed.

    * Version 1: The DS will freeze (the screens do not change color)
    * Version 2: Grayish Blue
    * Version 3: Dark Green
    * Version 4: Yellow
    * Version 5: Magenta
    * Version 6: Brown
    * Version 7: Purple
    * iQue: Dark Green
    * DS Lite: Magenta, Brown, or Purple
    * FlashMe on original DS: Dark Green
    * FlashMe on DS Lite: Magenta
  15. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS


    Koji limit, stigao M3 Adapter :smt030

    Sve melje sto sam mu ubacio.

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  16. syss

    syss Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    njub dobio igračku :D
  17. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    Davi sve oko sebe, da ga nije kupio, sevap mu ga je bio dati :D
  18. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    @syss, haker

    :smt097 :smt097 :smt097
  19. syss

    syss Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    thnx sulu :D

    ajde igraj tamo i daj još ss-ova ;)
  20. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    Re: Nintendo DS

    al ne ide Crisis Core na tome... :D