Pro Evolution Soccer / Winning Eleven / eFootball thread

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by forzajuve, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Sta Vedo zna o fudbalu :mrgreen:
  2. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker


    Konami already announced there would be weekly updates for PES 2015 back in July and now they finally gave more details about this exciting new Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 feature.

    Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 introduces weekly updates for the first time. Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 will see weekly updates released each Thursday throughout the season, adjusting player overalls and team lineups and tactics for the Brazilian, English, French, Italian and Spanish leagues.

    These weekly PES 2015 updates will be applied for both offline and online friendlies as well as for the MyClub mode.

  3. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  4. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker



    Konami today announced that it has closed individual license deals with 21 Brazilian club teams for PES 2015. Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 will include all 20 Brazilian Série A teams as well as Série B team Vasco da Gama.
  5. selvin

    selvin Moderator

    Nisam igrao PES jos od 6-ice, je li imaju oni sad licence po evropskim ligama? :D
  6. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Vedo je medju prvima u gradu kupio Japanski PES na pijaci za PSX jer nije bilo Fife. A onda ga je odnio na Skenderiju u igraonu i jedva "natjerao" vlasnika da ga kopira sebi i da vrti u svojim plejkama. I onda se prosirilo ko' kuga :D

    Kako god, ovaj novi PES je meni beton, mislim da cu uzet origi. Odigram tekmu njega pa tekmu Fife i opet PES nekako zabavniji i realniji, meni bar :)
  7. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Ja sam dobio ISS Pro uz PS1 97. :D I sad se sjecam, otac me pita hoces li Playstation ili Nintendo 64. Rekoh kakva je razlika, kaze "jedno vrti CD-ove, a drugo diskete". Ma kakve diskete, CD-ove nema niko, hocu plejku :D Onda smo se presaltali na Fifu, i tad je bio ogroman turnir FIFA 98 ili 99 u Mercatoru u Sarajevu, morale se proci opstinske kvalifikacije, pa kantonalne. Tad je gaming u BiH bio jaci nego sad :D
  8. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Mi u jednom podrumu u igraoni igrali Winning Eleven 3. Onaj pravi na japanskom (ISS Pro 98), te neke 98-me.. a pored nas likovi šiljili fifu. Prcaju oni nas kako se cuje zvuk dodavanja, kao da letvom udaraš. A tada u fifi 98 ošutaš po golu i lopta zna da prodje kroz mrežu... gol-out. Nema gola.

    Nema šta, i danas cuvaju cari fife.. hahahha..
  9. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    U PES-u je mogla lopta proci kroz gornji dio mreze kad se korner izvodi i bude gol :D FIFA se tad meni nije svidjala uopste, ali je bilo jakih turnira pa se igralo.
  10. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Meni su igraci u fifi izgledali kao da se kližu po terenu i previse pogrbljeni.. hehe.

    Probavali smo fifu ali jok, nije išlo. Radije V-Rally u split screenu.
  11. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    I Colin Mcrae Rally :D Twisted Metal isto, mada smo mi vise igrali Vigilante 8 :D
  12. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Ehh.. mi smo poceli sa Twisted Metal 2. Ako se ko sjeca pariza i miniranja A. tornja a na pamet mi padaju kodovi za minjona: L1, gore, dole, lijevo.. i za onaj ice cream truck: gore, L1, trokut, desno. Ako nisam pomješao sa NFS 3 i kodom za el-nino. Poslije smo igrali trojku. Sjecam se one mape, lava ovo ono.

    A Colin Mcraea sa slabo sjecam. Samo subarua kroz maglu ali ne i gameplaya.

    Sa druge strane, N64 i Golden Eye. Ne prespavane noći.. pffff...

    EL NINO CFC Veteran foruma

    ne sjecam se koji je ISS bio jer sam bio malehan
    igrao na PS1 mini il kako se vec zvao mali ps1
    covjece taman se zadam i onda se pregrije konzola i ona pusi u nju ne bi li mogao nastaviti igrati inace zamrzne slika
    mislim da je na tom ISSu bilo zakljucanih klubova
    isto tako prije mene rodjak imao veliki ps1 i kad smo igrali kad god neko prodje ispred nas on stisne pauzu i ja se tome divio i cudio kako to radi i kako PS zna kad treba pauzirati heheh
    i mislim da sam tada eto nekako igre na neki nacin to je bila neka prekretnica u mom zivotu
    onda kad sam poceo igrati bf1942 na pc isprva bio los pc pa igras a ono slideshow dok nisam krokodilske suze isplako za novi pc ne bi li mogao igrati normalno bez laga

    et da ne idem u off

    kasnije Pes4 sam prvo probao preko demo preko info cd.a
    tezina amateru uzmem najvise englesku i kad krene utakmica samo ravno prema golu i rezultati na kraji po 20-0 :D
    i onda pes5 u Visokom kupim s balkan league patch, tad je raja dolazila kod mene igrati bilo predobro
    onda pes6 nisam toliko puno igrao, malo igrao s rajom u lanu i poslije toga dosadilo sam da igram i tu negdje sam i prestao igrati sportske igre, doduse jesam igrao ali jaako rijetko
  14. forzajuve

    forzajuve Aktivista

    Zadnji put sam zagrijan za novi PES bio 2007. kada sam i otvorio ovu temu, na koju se evo javljam ponovo nakon 7 dugih godina, koliko im je i trebalo da nastave tamo gdje su stali sa PES6. Kad se sjetim kako se tada iscekivao demo... :lol: Ovaj sam skinuo da vidim zbog cega je raja toliko odusevljena, i moram reci da sam nakon stotinjak odigranih utakmica, i ja. Osjecaj kao u starim danima. Negativne strane o kojima sam citao prije igranja su se pokazale netacnim, bar vecina. Mnogo vise je pozitivnih stvari, i sto je najbitnije nevjerovatno zarazan gameplay. Po meni, jedina negativnost koja se bas izdvaja je sistem fauliranja, i sve sto ima veze sa tim. CPU skoro nikako ne faulira. Sudija dijeli kartone za 80% klizecih startova, i nemoguce je oduzeti loptu na taj nacin. Animacije pada nakon ostrih startova preuvelicane. Ostalo, poput preciznosti/jacine suteva, pasova ''kao po sinama'' i prelaganog izvodjenja trikova (rainbow flick npr.) mogu oprostiti, ipak je demo i ipak je, nadam se, prva u nizu nastavaka koji ce ici u ovom smjeru.

    Koga zanima opsirnije, copy/paste mog komentara sa PES foruma:
    Been playing ISS/WE/PES for nearly 2 decades now, from ISS Pro on N64/PS1 to PES6 on PS2/PC. Yes, I haven't played next-gen PES games (2008-2014), maybe around 50 matches on 2008/2011/2012/2014 PES editions. 2008 was a massive let down, and every new edition was just it's follower. Every year it was like this: check new PES->again see it's not ''that game''->keep on enjoying PES6.
    Recently I bought an X360, RGH version, which came with PES 2014 and FIFA 14 on it. Tried both games, and this 2014 PES seemed really bad, but compared to the other game it still had a bit of a classic ISS/PES gene, just enough to make it a winner between those two. I really tried to play FIFA, to see why some PES players switched over but it failed big time to get my further interest. It has all the (un)necesarry cosmetics and brilliant presentation, but when I play, it keeps reminding me of a 1998 version (last FIFA I played).

    Let's get back to the topic - PES 2015 demo. After playing near 100 games (Xbox 360 version), I can just say probably the most cliche phrase, especially in last days here and on other PES-related forums - PES (or The King) IS BACK! What made me say so? To put it in a simple way - it's a continuation of where PES6 stopped and it has that ''one more game syndrome'', well-known from ISS/PES, that was missing for all those years.
    PES6 successor with all new movements, animations, graphics, details and most importantly - addictive gameplay, ISS/WE/(old)PES trademark. Being a loong time PES6 player, this demo just can't stop to amaze me with all new stuff (I watch replays regulary).

    Almost (below are things that must/needs to be improved) everything is as it should be: players responsiveness, ball physics (no, its not heavy), headers, animations and transition between them, faces, fluidity, player ID, AI (team ID!), goalkeepers, new fatigue system (no more running around like mad)... I probably forgot something, but it was surely mentioned before. With all this mixed up, as a result you have gameplay that just don't let you stop playing.
    It would be unreal for a game with predecessors like PES2008-2014 to be with without cons, especially because it's a demo version. The main thing, that MUST to be improved is fouls, and almost everything about them. CPU doesn't commit fouls, not more than 3 times in 10 10mins games. Sliding tackles - it's impossible to take the ball doing them, 9 out of 10 times it would be a foul, and a card (red is not uncommon too), even if you do ''innocent'' sliding tackle on opponents half. Compared to PES6, when I regulary used sliding tackles to intercept pass or take the ball, this is a big big let down. Also, animations that follow sliding tackles, when player fails like it's tackled with a double two-leg slide (he was just barely touched) are just too much. Yellow card frequency is also unreal... Kazuki Ito would be ashamed. Referee movement after the foul is commited, and following animations doesn't match also, but that's really a small issue, and I'm sure it would be fixed in full version. But those mentioned things, when it comes to fouls are, I repeat - A MUST. Shooting... at first it seemed that 90% of shots are on the target, but after more matches I realised that match can finish with something like (3)12. Maybe just a little bit less precise, 10%ish would be just OK. Bigger problem is is shot power, which needs to be reduced for at least 15%-25% (depending of a player). The tricks are so easy to do, and I mean tricks like rainbow flick, I can just hold two analogs and make the defender doing it continously... make them way harder to do, or disable completely (who likes tricks, there is other game). When doing ground passing, ball has that rails feeling, but it's not that much annoying as the people moan on forums. PES6 was completely on a rails, so?

    Every PES has it's faults, it can't be perfect with many different tastes from player to player. PES6 has it's drawbacks too, but it gained legendary status. I know it has been 8 years since it's release, and that in 2014 we should have much more polished version than what we are having now, but for me it's important that they're (KONAMI) on the right track with this edition. Another thing, in my opinion, people are way too harsh when criticize PES these days, like they want it to be as bad as possible. Yes, it wasn't good for many years but this time it's different story. Give it a chance, and give it a time in years to come, hopefully they will follow this path.

    Also, nice to see older members (on this, and other 2 PES forums), like me, again having interest in new PES after many years. There's something in it. :)
  15. Eldorado

    Eldorado Komšija

    da hoce izbaciti oficijelno system zahtjeve..
    a bas su otegli u novembar sa igrom
  16. forzajuve

    forzajuve Aktivista

  17. Eldorado

    Eldorado Komšija

    Hvala na info :)
    Nisam imao priliku da igram Fifu 15 zbog DX 11, ali eto ipak PES 2015 se može komotno na high nastaviti igrati :D
  18. ColdFire

    ColdFire Overclocker

    Odavde je sve krenulo

    I mislim da nikad vise nece biti ovolikog skoka u fudbalu .

    pa ovo

    Ledja sam odvalio u kaficu i u skoli da skupim za ps2 i kad sam zaigrao ISS 2 znao sam da je vrjedilo :D :lol:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  19. Eldorado

    Eldorado Komšija

    Baš kad se sjetim tih dana kao klinac :)

    Prvi soker na PS1 sto sam igrao lafo staviš Ronalda i Roberta Carlosa u napad i deri :D

    Klizeci start je bio poput ležeceg policajca, dupli pas automatski izbacuje igraca, cak je imao i rucnu kad ides lijevo-desno i obrnuto xd
  20. ColdFire

    ColdFire Overclocker

    Svako napravi u ML ekipu jednu ekipu i onda se to nekako na Memory Karticama snimi i ima sve one ML ekipe :D lol :D
    Hvala ko popravi linkove :D
    Najveci boner u ziotu kad mi je stara dale pare za ps2 na rate :D lol bio je preko milje .
    Znaci , poso skola soker pa onda malo skola poso soker :D zavisi od smjene u skoli haha al je vrjedio svake minute , plus Q3