
Discussion in 'PC konfiguracije, notebook računari, servis' started by Amkay, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. Amkay

    Amkay Novi član

    Eh ovako...
    Imam zone alarm.Ukuco sam nekad slucajno niko nemoze mijenjati settings i nemoze ga izbrisati osim mene..ali JA "majstor" sam zaboravio pass i nemam mogucnosti da bilo sta podesim.Pa sam pokuso da izbrisem "add-remove programs"..Neda mi...uvijek kad pokusam da izbrisem ili nesta da odradim u vezi ZA trazi mi pass.
    Pitanje : Ima li drugi nacin da izbrisem ovaj program , kad nemoze sa "add-remove programs"?
  2. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    preko registra ili nekog registry editora. ili iz cistog dosa izbrises root gdje je program instaliran.
  3. Amkay

    Amkay Novi član

    kako cu preko dosa..
    nisam bas u tome "majstor"
    sta da kucam u dos ?
  4. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    ako imas win xp logujes se ko administrator u safe mode with command prompt. i onda ides cd\, cd c:\program files, deltree [ime foldera kojeg hoces da obrises]. nisam ovo odavno radio pa nisam siguran. nek neko jos kaze svoje misljenje.
  5. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    upiše cd.. da se vrati nazad cd <ime foldera> da uđe u folder.pomoću komande del ili delete možeš izbrisati folder samo folder ako u njemu nema ništa od drugih fileova.ali najpametnije ideš start>run i upišeš msconfig.sada fino ideš na startup tab i tamo isključi sve što ima veze sa zone alarm.onda restartuješ komp uđeš u safe mode izbrišeš zone alarm folder.onda pomoću search-a nađi takođe sve što je vezano za zone poslije svega ovoga uđeš u registry i tamo u search upišeš zone alarm i pobriši svaki key koji sadrži nešto o zone alarm-u.

    čačkanje po registry-u radi na svoju odgovornost jer ako izbrišeš neke ključeve možeš destabilizirati windows ili čak onemogućiti neke opcije.

    Sretno :wink:
  6. HamziBeg

    HamziBeg Komšija

    Ako ne zelis vise da koristis Zone Alarm a ne smeta ti da koji MB zauzima na tvom disku onda ga iskljuc da se ne ucitava sa Windows-om. I instaliraj neki drugi FireWall...

    EDIT: Evo izgleda pravog rijesenja samo nemam vremena da prevodim:
    Removing Passwords from Zone Alarm Pro.
    If you have a password problem or can't remember your password, the ONLY way to remove a Zone Alarm Pro password that is forgotten, corrupted, or will not work is to remove the database files associated with TrueVector, as follows:

    Please note that this will remove your program permissions and Local Zone settings (so you may want to make note of them), but re-establishing them is a simple process; you will be prompted again for program access for all the applications that you use to access the local network or Internet.

    If you are running Windows 98, ME, 2000, or XP, reboot your system into either Safe Mode or to a Command Prompt. The method is determined by your OS, but most systems will boot into Safe Mode by either pressing F8 at the beep or holding the CTRL key during boot-up.

    For more information on rebooting your specific system in Safe Mode, click Start, then Help. Click the Search tab, and type in “Safe Mode.” Double-click “Start Windows in Safe Mode” for the instructions.

    NOTE - Do NOT start Zone Alarm Pro/Plus while in Safe Mode, or you will not be able to make the changes necessary.

    Delete the files in the Internet Logs directory:

    In Windows 98/Me, this will be c:\windows\internet logs - In Windows NT/2000, it will be c:\winnt\internet logs - In Windows XP, it could be either of these folders.

    If you need to keep a copy of old alerts, copy the ZAlog.txt file to another location first - then delete ALL files in this folder. Empty your Recycle Bin. Reboot your system.

    If you are running Windows NT and cannot delete these files, try the following from an Administrative account:

    If you do not know how to do any of the following steps, click Start > Help for more information.

    Search for vsmon.exe and rename the file. REMEMBER what you changed it to! Shut down ZoneAlarm Pro/Plus. It doesn't matter if there's a password on it or not. Reboot.

    Delete the files in the Internet Logs directory

    In Windows 98/ME, this will be c:\windows\internet logs - In Windows NT/2000, it will be c:\winnt\internet logs - In Windows XP, it could be either of these folders

    If you need to keep a copy of old alerts, copy the ZAlog.txt file to another location first - then delete ALL files in this folder. Change the renamed file back to vsmon.exe.
    Rezime: Udji u mapu (kod Win987ME) X:\Windows\internet logs a kod Win2K X:\winnt\internet logs kod XP-a mogu biti oba naziva. Pobrisi sve datoteke u njemu.
  7. Amkay

    Amkay Novi član

    Ipak cu ja format C:
    Imam ja i drugih problema.Nije samo ZA.
    Ipak hvala na pomoci.
  8. Amkay

    Amkay Novi član

    EE braco moja.
    Samo ste mi trebali reci da skinem program Ace utilitries.
    Evo sad mi jaran reko.
    Ali ipak hvala. :wink: