Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by Patton2410, May 12, 2015.

  1. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma


    It’s official: the next Assassin’s Creed is called Syndicate, and it’ll be out for PS4 and Xbox One on October 23, with a PC release coming later in the fall.

    It’s set in Victorian London, it will have both male and female protagonists, and it puts a lot of emphasis on carriages and grappling hooks—but now it’s all Official. Syndicate takes place in London during 1868, and will star the brother/sister duo of Jacob and Evie Frye, who run their own criminal gang.

    - There’s no multiplayer.
    - The game won’t just have a playable female assassin, but, in what is a bit of a turn for the franchise, will have numerous female enemies, down to the grunt level.
    - As is series’ tradition, the game will feature historical figures. So far, the developers have confirmed that Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens will appear in the game.
    - You can hijack, ride, and fight on top of carriages, as we covered back in December when we first posted about the game (then called Victory).
    - Assassin’s Creed games have never been as great at stealth gameplay as we’d hope. The stealth systems have been tweaked again for this one, though it’s unclear how it’ll all work. The GameSpot preview notes that “the hard [cover] snap is gone, and you won’t be spending your time painstakingly trying to meld into groups of people” and will instead be crawling, crouching, and manipulating the environment to sneak around. Syndicate is bringing back the whistle, a tool of distraction that worked well in prior AC games but was inexplicably omitted from Unity.
    - Syndicate features some sort of recruitment system that allows the player to amass gang members and get into big street brawls, a possible variation on older AC games’ systems for recruiting and summoning ally assassins - something that was missing in Unity.



    Citav reveal video:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  2. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    Animacije kod AI, reakcije, pathfinding i enemy AI uzas, sve isto se ponasaju iz godine u godinu.
    Znaci odgodili PC za mjesec dva, sigurno je opet izgovor da trebaju vise vremena da isprave bugove :smt005
  3. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Ne izgleda meni lose uopste, ali dosadio ovaj sistem vala, nigdje inovacije... Sto je najgore, i ostale igre su im na isti fazon, pa kad predjes AC, ne igra ti se FC...
  4. dmr

    dmr Veteran foruma

    Ide dobro na mom kompu, steta sto je svaki nastavak skroz isti i nikakav gameplay :)
  5. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Nek mi vrate brod, pa cu razmislit da kupim.