Star Force

Discussion in 'Generalna diskusija' started by sgtPepper, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. sgtPepper

    sgtPepper Overclocker

    DA, postoje ti ljudi u svijetu, postoje i u BiH, pa čak postoje i ti ljudi koji su učlanjeni na HW Base forumu kojima se to desilo.
  2. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Ne lupajte,

    programeri star force-a su ponudili oko 3000$ ko donese uredjaj koji je zeznuo star force u Americi.

    Jos se niko nije javio.
  3. sgtPepper

    sgtPepper Overclocker

    ne lupaj ti, evo kod mene je zbog njega potpuno otišao DVD i CD RW, a prije je potpuno radio.
  4. wacko

    wacko Aktivista

    pa idi prijavi se i trazi 7800gtx i 4 gige rama :mrgreen: i kakav fin 19 incni lcd :lol:
  5. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    The end of rumors!

    The dogs are barking but the caravan keeps going.

    There have been a lot of rumors in the Internet concerning DVD/CD writers’ malfunction after installation and star-up of StarForce protected applications. Some have even mentioned that should such “malfunctioning” drive be placed in any other PC without StarForce protection installed it will fail to work as well.

    Others came up with the idea that the StarForce drivers installed on your system, could grant any virus or trojan total control of the OS.

    In the past year our staff and many of our clients tried restlessly to reproduce the matter based on these rumors. We had serious reasons to believe that such problems were pure fiction. Using our hardware collection we assembled systems alike, but such problems never took place.

    Just to make sure, StarForce decided to have a worldwide contest among users of StarForce protected applications. We had an open invitation to visit our office in order to display the issue and receive $10.000 US in case the person would have proven the problem to exist. January 31st was the last day to apply for the contest which lasted for almost two months. The contest page was visited 48.000 times but we received 0 applications. No one showed up.

    Therefore, we now have proof that such issues with StarForce protected applications are pure fiction and all of these rumors are false and probably initiated by frustrated pirates.

    We are open to constructive cooperation and we do our best to work with any challanges that really exist, but just as well we are going to stand up for our rights using every legal opportunity.

    We certainly are not going to silence the voices of all the biased people on the internet, but we hope that a little bit of common sense goes a long way.
    Don’t believe rumors. Believe the facts.

    If you do run into a problem – always at your service [email protected]
  6. 3125

    3125 Komšija

    Ajde mobster prijavi se i reci: "kupio sam pirata i probao sam da zaobiđem vasu zastitu sa neoficijelnim alatima. Dajte mi pare" :mrgreen:
  7. sgtPepper

    sgtPepper Overclocker

    evo, posalo sam im e-mail i kažu da se izvinjavaju zbog toga, te kao poklon dobijam AlienWare računar sa liquid cooling haldjenjem, dvije 7800GTX 512 i 2GB RAM-a. :D
  8. san

    san Aktivista

    meni je sjebao dvd rom mamu im j.... ali kako covjek kaze nemeres reci sa piratom jebga :oops: