Problem registrowanja na forum

Discussion in 'Generalna diskusija' started by chonsi, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. chonsi

    chonsi Novi član

    Prawio sam forum http://linkanje je zabranjeno.comk i neki su se registrowali ali owi ostali nemogu izbaci mi owo kad a krenu da se registruju "You have exceeded the number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later.".Shta trebam da uradim da to wwishe ne izbacuje??
  2. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Mozda da ukucaju ispravan kod?
  3. chonsi

    chonsi Novi član

    neznam koji kod kad kliknesh na register izbaci ono kao na swim forumima:
    While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.

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    i treba da se klikne na jedno od owih 3 ponudjenih na kraju
    ali kad kliknesh on izbaci owo :

    You have exceeded the number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later.

    to je fora ,nekapiram shta trebam da uradi ??
  4. chonsi

    chonsi Novi član

    izwini nisam znao da nesmem da postawim link foruma sorry
    aj samo help pls
  5. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Nemam pojma, mislio sam da mozda kucaju pogresan kod ili nesto. Moguce i da su korisnici sa iste IP adrese.
  6. chonsi

    chonsi Novi član

    Nisu sa iste IP adrese,ok ako neko zna neka mi pomogne