CTD/BSOD i OCCT greške na skoro novom PC-u

Discussion in 'Procesori, RAM, matične ploče i grafičke kartice' started by MadbaLL, May 27, 2022.

  1. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    od jučer iz čista mira početi problemi sa novim računarom. jedina promjena u odnosu na zadnjih par dana je novi paket ažuriranja iz microsofta za windows 11.

    prvo je počelo da me izbacuje na desktop iz igrica, da bi zatim prilikom igranja počeo da se javlja i BSOD. računar kreira i dumpstack file, a i radeon softver je napravio svoje logove koje sam poslao amd-u.

    odmah sam uradio i occt i javlja greške na prilikom testiranja procesora, rama i grafike, a na testu napajanja se nakon manje od minute pojavi bsod i restartuje računar. evo logova:

    00:00:00 - Info - Test schedule started at 2022-05-27 07:02:03
    00:00:00 - Info - CPU - Started (Duration : 00:05:00)
    00:03:04 - Error - CPU - 4 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:05 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:06 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:07 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:08 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:09 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:10 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:11 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:12 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:13 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:14 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:15 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:16 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:17 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:18 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:19 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:20 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:21 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:22 - Error - CPU - 3 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:23 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:24 - Error - CPU - 4 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:25 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:26 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:27 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:28 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:29 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:30 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:31 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:32 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:33 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:34 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:35 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:36 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:37 - Error - CPU - 3 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:38 - Error - CPU - 4 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:39 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:40 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:41 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:42 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:43 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:44 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:45 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:46 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:47 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:48 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:49 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:50 - Error - CPU - 6 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    00:03:51 - Error - CPU - 5 error(s) found on physical core #3 (Virtual core #6)
    0:00:00 - Info - Test schedule started at 2022-05-27 07:10:34
    00:00:00 - Info - Memory - Started (Duration : 00:05:00)
    00:02:23 - Error - Memory - 1 error(s) found
    00:02:34 - Error - Memory - 1 error(s) found
    00:02:42 - Error - Memory - 1 error(s) found
    00:02:45 - Error - Memory - 1 error(s) found
    00:02:49 - Info - Memory - Stopped
    00:02:49 - Info - Test schedule stopped by user request
    00:00:00 - Info - Test schedule started at 2022-05-27 07:48:47
    00:00:00 - Info - 3D - Started (Duration : 00:05:00)
    00:00:21 - Error - 3D - 7 error(s) found ( GPU #0 - Radeon(TM) Vega 11 Graphics )
    00:00:51 - Error - 3D - 39 error(s) found ( GPU #0 - Radeon(TM) Vega 11 Graphics )
    00:00:56 - Error - 3D - 31 error(s) found ( GPU #0 - Radeon(TM) Vega 11 Graphics )
    00:01:01 - Error - 3D - 12 error(s) found ( GPU #0 - Radeon(TM) Vega 11 Graphics )
    zna li neko šta bi mogao biti problem? sve je radilo perfektno do jučer.
    Last edited: May 27, 2022
  2. BiceBolje

    BiceBolje Overclocker

    A koje su ti specifikacije?
  3. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

    Valja ti redom testirati jedno po jedno, kreni od rama. Testiraj samo sa jednim stikom, onda sa drugim.
  4. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    AMD Ryzen 5 3350G 4C/8T, 3.60-4.00GHz
    Gigabyte A320M-H
    Kingston DDR4 16GB 3200MHz 2x8
    SSD Samsung PM881 128GB, m.2 SATA
    Seagate 500GB SATA3 HDD
    LC power 600W LC600H-12
  5. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    ma sve je pod garancijom skoro 3 godine, možda bi najbolje bilo da pošaljem pc na servis.

    a i nemam drugi softver/alat za profi testiranje osim OCCT, a tu sam jedno po jedno testirao i izbacio je greške na svemu, a kod testa napajanja je nakon 30tak sec odmah izbacio bsod i restartovao se računar.

    nego sam pomislio da bi neko od forumaša mogao pretpostaviti šta bi mogao biti problem. indikativno je da se sve pojavilo nakon majskog kumulativnog apdejta za windows 11.
    Last edited: May 29, 2022
  6. BiceBolje

    BiceBolje Overclocker

    Provjeri imaš li KB5013943 instaliran.
  7. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    jutros sam čitao o tome, navodno se javlja samo kod korisnika koji imaju sophos ili koriste neke od sophos drajvera. ja nemam ništa od sophosa, ali provjerit ću kad dođem s posla.

    EDIT: kao što sam i pretpostavljao, nemam taj KB.
    Last edited: May 27, 2022
  8. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    dumpstack log:
    Dump stack initialized at UTC: 2022/05/27 05:16:27, local time: 2022/05/27 07:16:27.
    Progress 0x00000042
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00002011ms
    Starting get secondary dump callbacks size.
    Finish get secondary dump callbacks size.
    Dump Type: 6, Total Dump Size: 682641861, Secondary Dump Size: 354757.
    Starting write of dump header.
    Finish write of dump header.
    Starting write of kernel bitmap dump header.
    Finish write of bitmap dump header.
    Starting write of memory dump data.
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00002170ms
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  0%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  5%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  10%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  15%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  20%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  25%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  30%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  35%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  40%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  45%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  50%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  55%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  60%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  65%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  70%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  75%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  80%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  85%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  90%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  95%
    Dumping physical memory to disk:  100%
    Finish write of bitmap dump data. Total pages:166436 Pages written:166436
    Progress 0x00000043
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00012130ms
    Starting invoking secondary dump callbacks.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Return from Win32kWPP secondary callback.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data.
    Writing Win32kWPP secondary callback data done.
    Calling TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback.
    Return from TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback.
    Writing TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback data.
    Writing TRIAGEDUMPDATA secondary callback data done.
    Calling CRASHDUMP secondary callback.
    Return from CRASHDUMP secondary callback.
    Writing CRASHDUMP secondary callback data.
    Writing CRASHDUMP secondary callback data done.
    Calling  secondary callback.
    Return from  secondary callback.
    Writing  secondary callback data.
    Writing  secondary callback data done.
    Calling  secondary callback.
    Return from  secondary callback.
    Writing  secondary callback data.
    Writing  secondary callback data done.
    Calling rtkpcie secondary callback.
    Return from rtkpcie secondary callback.
    Writing rtkpcie secondary callback data.
    Writing rtkpcie secondary callback data done.
    Calling rt640x64 secondary callback.
    Return from rt640x64 secondary callback.
    Writing rt640x64 secondary callback data.
    Writing rt640x64 secondary callback data done.
    Calling \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback.
    Return from \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback.
    Writing \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback data.
    Writing \Device\DxgKrnl secondary callback data done.
    Calling IoBugCheckDriverData secondary callback.
    Return from IoBugCheckDriverData secondary callback.
    Writing IoBugCheckDriverData secondary callback data.
    Writing IoBugCheckDriverData secondary callback data done.
    Calling PortDriverStandard secondary callback.
    Return from PortDriverStandard secondary callback.
    Writing PortDriverStandard secondary callback data.
    Writing PortDriverStandard secondary callback data done.
    Calling Wdf01000 secondary callback.
    Return from Wdf01000 secondary callback.
    Writing Wdf01000 secondary callback data.
    Writing Wdf01000 secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - CI secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - CI secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - CI secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - CI secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - Winlogon secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - Winlogon secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - Winlogon secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - Winlogon secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - NTFS secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - NTFS secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - NTFS secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - NTFS secondary callback data done.
    Calling blackbox - BSD secondary callback.
    Return from blackbox - BSD secondary callback.
    Writing blackbox - BSD secondary callback data.
    Writing blackbox - BSD secondary callback data done.
    Calling secondary multi-part dump callbacks.
    Starting SMBiosData multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosData multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting SMBiosRegistry multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosRegistry multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting SMBiosRegisters multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosRegisters multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting SMBiosDataACPI multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish SMBiosDataACPI multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting PCI multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish PCI multi-part secondary callback.
    Starting Etw multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish Etw multi-part secondary callback.
    Finish calling secondary multi-part dump callbacks.
    Progress 0x00000045
    Finish invoking secondary dump callbacks.
    Starting invoking dump complete callbacks.
    Progress 0x00000046
    Finish invoking dump complete callbacks.
    Dump ended at UTC: 2022/05/27 05:16:27, local time: 2022/05/27 07:16:27.
    Elapsed BugCheck duration 00012201ms
    Dump completed successfully.
  9. zippoo

    zippoo Veteran foruma

    Imas li opciju da uninstaliras taj zadnji update na windows 11 ?
    Ako imas,obrisi to i vidi kako ce se ponasati.
    Ili provjeri da system restore nije napravio tacku povratka prije instaliranja novog updatea pa vrati se na datum prije updatea.

    Moguce da je update nesto poremetio,jer nema logike da je odjecnom cijeli racunar poceo da pravi probleme i da su sve komponente problematicne a do jucer sve radilo.
  10. MadbaLL

    MadbaLL Overclocker

    evo mali update situacije:

    - jučer sam isključio kućište iz struje, ponovo uključio, vratio bios na početne postavke i ponovo uključio xmp profile i evo do ovog momenta niti jedan ctd, bsod ili greška prilikom OCCT testa.

    čudno da čudnije ne može biti.