Detroit: Become Human

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by Neso, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    “Detroit is the story of three androids, three machines designed to obey, who start to feel emotions. Confronted with persecution and the violence of society, they will all have to decide who they want to be. Connor is a prototype designed to help human investigators on cases involving androids. Kara becomes a fugitive by empathizing with a little girl, united in their dream of freedom. Markus will become the leader of the android revolution.

    The player will control all three in turn, taking control of their destinies, and telling not only their individual stories, but also the story of their people and of their world.

    Detroit is the most ambitious title ever created by Quantic Dream. We wanted to push our limits by creating the most bending game we have ever made. Your actions have real and spectacular consequences: there are entire scenes that you can see or miss based on your actions, your closest allies may help you until the end or die just after you meet them, your destiny itself can be totally different depending on your choices. You must also be very careful with your three main characters, because any of them may die at any time.”

    Detroit: Become Human launches exclusively on PS4 on May 25.

    Ove godine vrijedi kupit PS4 samo radi ekskluziva koje dolaze. GoW, Days Gone, Detroid, Red Dead, The Last of us 2... Ako sad ne skoci sales Sony-u, nece nikad :)
    Patton2410 likes this.
  2. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Sta ce skociti, prodaje se konzola ko halva i ovako :D
    Patton2410 and zoi like this.
  3. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    Jedno je sigurno: sve igre ovog studija treba kupovati na sniženjima.
  4. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    Ako su kao prijašnje, meni su dosadile.
  5. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

    Red Dead nije ekskluziva. Mene interesuje Days Gone i najviše od svih Spiderman. Za the last of us nije sigurno da će izaći ove godine, a poznavajući Sony prije bih rekao da će izaći početkom sljedeće godine, ionako ih je trend da sad sve ekskluzivne izbace u prvoj polovini godine.

    Ovu igra dok ne vidim recenzije uopšte nije uvjerljiva.
  6. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Ja cekam Metro:Exodus, Days Gone i naravno TLOU 2, a ovaj Detroid bi mogao valjat, vidjet cemo.
  7. Aldiin

    Aldiin Overclocker

    Isto sve, samo bih dodao God of War.
  8. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Odradit ce se i GoW :) Medjutim, ove 3 su mi must have. Volim survival zanr...
  9. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    God of War jos malo. Bas sam pozelio, a i svjez pocetak. :)
  10. Sena

    Sena Veteran foruma

    God preordered.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  11. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

    To ti vodiš zapisnik po forumu šta si preorderao :D
    heroic likes this.
  12. Sena

    Sena Veteran foruma

    Iz dosade. Hahah

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  13. Zer0

    Zer0 Aktivista

    Ova ogromna ekskluziva dolazi na PC sljedeci mjesec 12.12 Epic Store. Jedva cekam na ovo.
  14. Zer0

    Zer0 Aktivista

    RDR 2 za PC, Death Stranding, Gears 5, Halo Reach za PC i sad ovo! O jea :)
  15. Zer0

    Zer0 Aktivista

    Dostupan demo za PC!
  16. Zer0

    Zer0 Aktivista

    Demo je sklonjen brzo, jer se pojavio exploit za cijelu igru. Kakav fijasko od Epic-a.