Globalnet Free zona

Discussion in 'Internet provideri, umrežavanje i web servisi' started by Shibby, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Shibby

    Shibby Aktivista

    Skinuo sam KDX i sve postavio i izbaci mi error:
    Local error:
    Remote Host refused connection.
    (ID 4/107)
    You are trying to connect to an address which appears to be a private/internal LAN address that will not work across the internet.You can only use it locally within your LAN.If you are trying to connect to another someone or something across the internet,you have the wrong address.
    Sta znaci ovo i sta uraditi da se sprijeci?
    Unaprijed HVALA!!! :D
  2. Stihoklepac

    Stihoklepac Moderator

    This means that the program contacted the remote/other computer, and asked for a connection (in order to transfer data), but was refused. It is not possible for the Haxial program to determine the exact reason why the remote host refused the connection -- only the remote host knows why it refused the connection, and it usually does not say why unfortunately. But here are some reasons why you may see this error message:

    * If you attempt to connect to a computer that is not running the appropriate software (such as the same program you are using). Check that the remote computer is actually running the program you want.
    * If the address of the person or server that you are trying to connect to has changed. If so, you would need to find the new address.
    * If the owner of the remote/other computer has decided to stop running the software or has failed to keep it running.
    * If you attempt to connect to a computer using entirely the wrong address.
    * If you attempt to connect to a computer that IS running the appropriate software but you specified the wrong port number. The port number is a number optionally appended to an address. For example, in the address "" or "", the port number is 10700. It usually identifies which program on the remote computer you want. If no port number is specified in the address, a default number is used.
    * If you attempt to connect to a computer that is behind a router or firewall which is blocking incoming connections. Talk to the Network Administrator or the person in charge of the router/firewall about configuring it to allow access.
    * If you are accessing the internet via a router/firewall/proxy that is blocking most outgoing connections. Schools and companies sometimes have firewalls that permit web browsing but nothing else. Talk to the Network Administrator person about enabling access for you.
    * If the person you are trying to connect to has cable or DSL shared between multiple computers, then that means they are using a router, and the router needs to be configured.
    * If you are trying to connect using an address that begins with 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x then that will only work if the computer is located on the same LAN as your computer (ie usually in the same building, or nearby). Otherwise this means that the person has a NAT router which needs to be configured.
    * If there is a problem with the Internet or your connection to the Internet. Sometimes computers on the Internet will become temporarily inaccessible due to faults in the network, equipment failure, equipment maintenance, etc. Solutions include complaining to your ISP, or trying again later.
    * If you have been banned from the remote computer.
    * If your cable modem is experiencing microwave interference from space aliens.
  3. hitman

    hitman Aktivista

    Ne kontam kao ne radi ni kako mozes pogrijesiti. Ukucas, i radi bez problema (type: server). Imas i neoficijalni server na
  4. Shibby

    Shibby Aktivista

    ma probao sam ,nece.
    smijem li biti connectovan kad ulazim u free zonu.
    Mozda i nisam dobru verziju skinuo.
  5. hitman

    hitman Aktivista

    Javi se na PM ili mail, ako nisi rijesio problem.
  6. Shibby

    Shibby Aktivista

    da ne znate slucajno koji je ip za FZ globalneta????