Wargame: European Escalation

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by NAILS, May 26, 2012.

  1. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator


    Nisam je igrao ali po klipovima mi izgleda super. Citao sam komentare i igraci su zadovoljni. Malo bugova koji se rjesavaju sa patchevima. Ako je neko proba neka javi a valjda cu da skinem narodnu verziju. Ovih dana uzimao disk i tastaturu pa sumnjam da ce uskorije vrijeme leci ali mislim da vrijedi cetrdesetak maraka kako je na g2play.

    Ako vec neko igra, pisite utiske. Zivo me zanima.


    1/ On top will come the full unit name. In this case, the British Chieftain Mk 10.
    2/ Just above it, its type: Main Battle Tank (aka MBT), Engineer Squad, Multiple Rocket Launcher, Anti-Aircraft Artillery, … which should give even the most neophytes a good idea of what this unit is made for. This is also the type that what will appear when you mouse over the unit’s NATO symbol on Sat View (see News Update 1's video for that).
    3/ Unit’s nationality. So you’ll have the flags of the United Kingdom, United States of America, France, West Germany (nowadays Germany’s flags), Poland et Czechoslovakia (nowadays Czech Republic’s flag) plus the now former flags of Soviet Union & East Germany. So if you weren’t born in 1989 or have missed some History & Geography lessons since then, it is time to dust your History books …
    4/ Unit’s price to be fielded, either during deployment phase, either called in as reinforcements.
    5/ Now we’re getting to the more serious part: Weapons details. Each vehicle may have from 0 (some command and supply units, or light recons) to 3 weapons. Each one is represented:
    - its picture
    - its type
    - its name
    - its caliber, so for the Chieftain above, its Main Gun is a L11A5 120mm tank cannon.
    - its range (before anyone tries to bite us because it’s favorite tank isn’t firing as far as Wiki tells, please do note that we’ve taken into account the effective engagement range, not the maximum range … which is often a waste of ammo).
    - it’s accuracy, AP (Armor Piercing) Power, HE (High Explosive) Power. Those, like the armor values, are marked from 0 (inexistent) to 10 (best). Only exception to that are the middle to late period ATGM (anti-tank guided missiles) which AP Power may exceed 10 to represent their extreme lethality and ability to one-shot earlier tanks.
    - its rate of fire, aka “how many slugs can it send in the shortest of time”.
    - its ammunition
    6/ But a tank is not just a gun, it's also a person, with its weight and diet problems. Its Specifications will tell you all about it:
    - its size, which may affect how easily (or not) it can blend in the terrain to avoid detection. Infantry squads and light recon unit are the sliest of them all …
    - its top speed
    - its armor values (respectively front / sides / rear / top)
    - its stabilizer (if any) : the better the stabilizer, the lesser the penalty when firing on the move.
    - its optics, which determines the unit ability to spot, then identify, an enemy unit. As you can see above, tank commanders usually don’t have a great field of vision …
    - its operational range: the greater the range, the longer the unit can drive without refueling. At that game, British tanks usually come last (and the French first [​IMG])
    - its fuel capacity, aka “how much will it cost on your FOB or supply truck to refuel it”.

    A evo i simbola kada mapu smanjite:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  2. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Probao malo narodnu. Stvarno izgleda super. Grafika je na nivou i FPS igara. Treba ovo kupiti pa opaliti MP.