Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta

Discussion in 'Operativni sistemi, aplikacije i programiranje' started by black, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. black

    black Komšija

    Dostupna je beta novog photoshop-a.
    Besplatna je i moci ce se koristiti sve dok ne izade finalna verzija.

    Photoshop CS6 Highlights

    Content-Aware Patch — Patch images with greater control using the newest member of the Content-Aware family of technologies. Choose the sample area you want to use to create your patch, and then watch Content-Aware Patch magically blend pixels for a stunning result.
    Blazingly fast performance and a modern UI — Experience unprecedented performance with the Mercury Graphics Engine, which gives you near-instant results when you edit with key tools such as Liquify, Puppet Warp, and Crop.* Plus, a refined, fresh, and elegant Photoshop interface features dark background options that make your images pop.
    New and re-engineered design tools — Create superior designs fast. Get consistent formatting with type styles, create and apply custom strokes and dashed lines to shapes, quickly search layers, and much more.
  2. AhmeT

    AhmeT Overclocker

    Ja koristim ovo par sedmica, otkako je izaslo, i fino radi. Na momente se desi neki crash ili malo zabaguje, ali beta je pa im halalim, i osim sto bi mozda volio da se malo brze pokrece, ostalo sve super radi. Pogotovo npr taj Liquify, to je prije znalo sporo ici pocesto kada je veci file i veci brush, a sada ide super brzo.

    Ima i dosta ovih opcija koje su uveli, treba malo navikavanja, npr crop tool je jako neobican, a tu su i neke jako korisne stvari poput pretraga i sortiranja layera i sl. Sto se mene tice, super je, definitivno treba probati.

    Jos je dzaba zasad, tako da nema razloga da se ovo ne proba :)
  3. black

    black Komšija

    meni se svidaju ovi novi blur efekti
    mozes postice rezultate kao sa full frame aparatom na slici uslikanoj obicnim kompaktom
  4. p4ja

    p4ja Komšija

    takodjer prezadovoljan,samo sto i meni zna crshat,al sreca cim ponovo udjes spaseno je sve
  5. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator