AMD Piledriver procesori

Discussion in 'Procesori, RAM, matične ploče i grafičke kartice' started by Sena, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. k0ST

    k0ST Aktivista

    Ma nista to druze, to ti je ko biva neki default - imho, previse za stock. Ja inace kad klokam uvjek prvo vidim max klok uz min voltazu, pa tek onda krenem dalje dok trazim neki max za 24h potrebe, nikakav ludjacki klok overkil za CPU-Z screenshota....
  2. KingT

    KingT Veteran foruma

    AMD osvjezava FX ponudu sa dva 8 core procesora. Zanimljivo je da ce jedan od njih biti energy efficient model FX-8370E sa 95W TDP (4.1GHz base, 4.3GHz Turbo clocks) a da pri tome nece raditi na nizoj frekvenciji od "obicnog" 125W TDP FX-8370 modela.
  3. KingT

    KingT Veteran foruma

  4. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    Da su barem iskoristili priliku pa osvježili i čipsete. Ovako godinama sve isto.
  5. Mujka

    Mujka Komšija

    Ovaj FX8320€ :D je super fakat :D koji intel cpu se moze uzet za 150$ :D sa ovim performansama
  6. k0ST

    k0ST Aktivista

    Pa zavisi za sta namjeravas koristiti kompjuter, moze se vala uzeti svasta - recimo za OC i igranje Pentium G3258, a jos ti ostane kusura za povecu porciju cevapa i omanji SSD :)

    Ovi "novi" FX procesori nisu donijeli nikakvo cudo, sto se moglo/trebalo i ocekivati. AMD nije nista promijenjnio u pogledu ahitekture ili proizvodnog procesa u odnosu na prethodnu seriju. Navodno, od ove najnovije revizije se moze u najboljem slucaju ocekivati cca. 300MHz veci overklok uz trunku manji napon u odnosu na prethodnu, a evo sta pametniji kazu na tu temu:
    "Piledriver module based Vishera die has been mass-produced in two different die revisions since the prototyping phase.While all of the revisions have the same major die version (OR-C0), the minor revision has changed.Initially the first mass-produced die revision was "India" (OR-C0i, prototype and ES only), the second revision was and still is "Juliett" (OR-C0j, retail) and now finally... The "Kilo" revision (OR-C0k) a.k.a "King Vishera" a.k.a "Vishera Type-K" has arrived.
    The "King Vishera" is initially only available in the new models, FX-8370E & FX-8370.
    This is most likely the case with FX-8320E also, however I have not been able to test one of them personally.
    The new version is likely to be phased-in at least in the other high-end models such as FX-9590 and at some point in all of the remaining models also.
    The alledged metal tapeout of the new revision (alledgedly) occured in the beginning of July. So the only way to get a newer revision part is to get one of the new models, atleast in the beginning.

    The differences?
    - On average 18% less leakage*1 (0-38%) for FX-8370
    - On average 53% less leakage*1 (14-106%) for FX-8370E
    - Up to 300MHz higher overclocking margin *12
    - 100mV less voltage required for the same clocks on average *1

    *1 - Compared to an average FX-8320 or FX-8350 CPU
    *2 - When not restricted by the cooling or the motherboard (VRM)

    Citav tred (ukljucujuci pojasnjenje vezano za temperaturu):

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  7. Pionir

    Pionir Overclocker

    Nisam bas upucen i ne znam mnogo o OC AMD procesora, pa da pitam ovdje za malu pomoc.

    Koliko vidim, dosta slicno je to kod Piledriver i Kaveri Steamroller vezano za FSB/Bus speed?

    Kod mene je 1800, koliko se poveca u koracima i kako to djeluje na sistem?

    Vjerovatno cu sam dosta toga o tome procitati, ali samo par informacija molim i hvala.
  8. Pionir

    Pionir Overclocker

  9. mirzet1976

    mirzet1976 Aktivista

    Evo jedan link za FX u multitaskingu
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017