Prije par mjeseci probao xbow na SPA i slomio me zivog. Rekao, nikada više. Jučer uzeo mal oda vidim je li sta bolje, nakon treceg kruga okinem staro 2:50 vrijeme za šest sekundi: Probao malo opet danas i spustim na 2:42.. moglo bi se ispod 2:40. Practice, practice and practice... hehe. Samo ABS od pomagala, ostalo na off.. mrsko mi ganjati kočenje na ovih pola cm potenciometra.
Jesil uzeo volan ili vozis na gamepad? Ja kako sad prodah volan moram vozati sa X360 gamepadom, pa reko imas li kakve dobre postavke?
Još sam bez stola pa tako i volana. Planiram uzimati objektive za aparat pa ce haman volan morati sacekati. Sto se postavki tice, probaj ove: ... ?size_id=7
Thx! Mene bi Fanatec Xbone/PC volan dosao skoro 2K Eura: Tako da cu najvjerovatnije ipak uzeti Thrustmaster TX volan, oko 260 Eura, kazu skoro pa nema razlike naspram T500 (sem sto su pedale dosta losije) Al ovaj Fanatec GT wheel izgleda bas je*acki, real size, real tezina, alkantara + metal Premotaj na 46:00
Damn.. to je baš next lvl. I logi sprema novi volan: ... ign=buffer
Aaa, samo nek bude belt driven, jer ovi svi na zupcanike imaji center deadzone. A suska se da ce AC stici i na PS4.
Pa kad je SMS mogao portati pCARS na Wii U, moze i kunos AC na na nove konzole. Samo da je ne unište za gamepad kao sto je SMS.
Reportedly the G29 will be licensed to Sony for use on the PS3 and PS4, meaning the wheel won't be compatible or released for PC. There'll only be one model of the wheel on offer - with a RRP of 189 Euros - with a gear shift add-on to be sold separately. Mora da se blizi i GT7
Update and dlc 2 news Dear AC followers, we are completing the final phase of betatesting, and we are glad to announce that Assetto Corsa 1.3 and Dream Pack 2 will be available for download by October 8th! With Assetto Corsa 1.3 the process of improvement of all aspects of our simulation continues to progress properly. Here's following just few highlights of what you can expect to find in Assetto Corsa next week: Assetto Corsa Dream Pack 2 The new Dream Pack 2 will include the Circuit of Catalunya, based on Laserscan point cloud, featuring GP and MotoGP layouts, as well as 7+2 new awesome and legendary cars: Lamborghini Countach 5000 Quattro Valvole Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Ford GT40 MK1 Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG003 AUDI R8 ULTRA 2014 RUF RT12R AWD RUF RT12R RWD BMW M4 Coupe BMW M4 Coupe Akrapovic Edition The Assetto Corsa Dream Pack 2 will be available on Steam by October 8th, at 7,99 EUR. Assetto Corsa 1.3 Physics 64-bit natively supported and car physics calculated on multi-thread. The physics engine has been reworked to become completely multithreaded: as a result, the driving precision is augmented, the accuracy further improved and the physics solver has enough horsepower to completely resolve any difficult calculations any speed, achieving butter smooth Force Feedback and complete elimination of signal noise and vibrations. We'll be back with more details on physics updates when the new build will be released next week. Graphics 2D/3D models, textures and shaders have been updated and improved, in order to keep the standards reached with the latest content. Now windscreens receive shadows, and a new camera facing feature improves the rendering of 2D/3D objects on track. A first basic support for dynamic objects on tracks has been added as well, and it will be improved in future updates, with the aim to get a more immersive environment. Sound Fine tuning and improved algorithms for audio editing: all new cars benefit by use of new techniques of recording and sampling for engines, interiors and exhaust systems, also thanks to the technical cooperation of Akrapovic. This allows to recreate a more detailed audio trace and the exclusive detail of each car, improving the immersion while driving. Content that are available already in Assetto Corsa will be updated during the process, to bring them to a higher level of realism and in line with the latest quality standards. Multiplayer Dedicated server has been optimized in order to improve general stability. New parameters and features have been added to server configuration, in order to please the requests of gamers who are looking for a more comprehensive online experience. Get ready to experience the most advanced driving experience!
Haj' nek ima i nekog hajra od ovih konzola. Ova 64bit/ multi-threaded optimizacija je rad njih, jer trenutno AC koristi pola jezgre (1 thread) i pici bez ikakvog usporavanja kada disablam ostalih 7 threadova. A cijena DLCa je vrh, ni 10 eura za ovo je stvarno smijesno, svaka im cast!
Hajd boga'ti ako znas javi kako aktivirati profil na AC forumu kada se povezuje forum profil sa steamom. Evo vec nesto manje od mjesec dana pokusavam da pristupim forumu. Imam profil jos od prosle godine star preko godinu dana kada jos nije bilo potrebe da se uradi sihronizacija, povezem ga nekidan napokon sa steamom da detektuje igru pa da koristim forum ali jok.. i dalje nemam pristupa.
Pomogla je raja sa reddita. Kevin je sredio pofil.. sad, who the fuck is Kevin. Pojma nemam li radi. Bio je neki kao ban, greska itd. i ako nisam koristio acc.