Bill Gates vise nije prvi

Discussion in 'Generalna diskusija' started by Dog_Father, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

  2. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    dzabe mu kad je metuzalem... :mrgreen:
  3. sgtPepper

    sgtPepper Overclocker

    evo sve plačem što nije prvi
  4. zilo

    zilo Komšija

    Nije nikad ni bio. Mediji ga guraju jer je Amer.
  5. Adi_k

    Adi_k Aktivista

    Kad bi ovaj carlos dao meni jedan milion, on ne bi ni osjetio a meni bi zivot produzio :D:D:D :mrgreen:
  6. Shenron

    Shenron Komšija

    koja milijarda gore-dole... kad imaju preko 50mlrd nije im bito... :lol:
  7. Adi_k

    Adi_k Aktivista

    ja bih sretan bio sa jednim milionom, presretan :lol: :smt047
  8. XTRage

    XTRage Veteran foruma

    za billa je dobro sto vise nije prvi, manje hejtera :D
  9. dHM

    dHM Aktivista

    Carlos Slim Helu has steadily been creeping up the ranks of the richest people in the world over the past few years. When the Forbes magazine put out their annual rich list in 2007, they had Carlos Slim ranked as the third richest man in the world, with Warren Buffett second and Bill Gates first.

    The Mexican billionaire had an estimated $49 billion, while the Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett had an estimated $52 billion, and Bill Gates of Microsoft had $56 billion.

    In April of 2007 it was reported that Carlos Slim Helú had taken the number 2 position on the global rich list, pushing Buffett down to third place. A rise in the share price of Carlos Slim owned companies pushed his assets to be worth $53.1 billion, while a small decrease in the value of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway put the value of the Warren Buffett fortune at $52.4 billion.

    Warren Buffett had held the number two position on the Forbes rich list for seven years. The American value investor has been focusing more on giving away his billions in recent years. He has planned to give away a large portion of his massive wealth to the foundation of his bridge partner, Bill Gates.

    In June of 2007 a publication in Mexico has pushed the telecom billionaire to the top of the rich list. Continued increases in the value of companies owned by Carlos Slim has increased his wealth to an estimated $67.8 billion. "Carso Global Telecom" and "America Movil" (two of the largest holdings of Slim) have both risen in value this year. The wireless operator America Movil has rose by 26.5 percent over one quarter.

    Carlos Slim Helu has been referred to as the "Warren Buffett of Latin America", but he thinks of himself as an operator of companies, rather than just an investor (like Buffett).

    "When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered." Carlos Slim Helu Quote

    Forbes has not confirmed the calculations of the Mexican reporter (Eduardo Garcia), but they did confirm the calculations of Garcia in April when Carlos Slim took the number two position from Buffett. Forbes will release their estimate of the Bill Gates fortune in September 2007 when they put out their list of the richest Americans, but their world rich list won't be out until March in 2008.

    Bill Gates has been ranked as the richest man in the world for thirteen years.
  10. Tir Anasazi

    Tir Anasazi Komšija

    Ne volim slušati nimalo ove milonerske priče. Odmah me spuca depresija, a valja nama svako jutro u radno odjelce i na posao, pa čekaj platu k'o menstruaciju.
  11. syss

    syss Veteran foruma

    imaš je 3-4 dana i poslije se možeš hebat :D
  12. godzila

    godzila Novi član

    heheh ko je ovde u postovima prvi a hebes ti bila i tog jel mi to mozemo da uradimo kao oni nemozemo a da mozemo de bi dogurali.
  13. donjapa

    donjapa Overclocker

    jel dobiju kakvu nagradu jer su najbogatiji :D:D

    cujem da Bill daje svoj kesh u dobrotvorne svrhe.. imal dje istine :)
  14. XTRage

    XTRage Veteran foruma

    imao je bill preko 100 milijardi, pola je otislo u dobrotvorne svrhe !
  15. Shenron

    Shenron Komšija

    Gates i njegova zena su jedni od najvecih donatora u dobrotvorne svrhe i imaju razne zaklade za takve stvari.

    Zato jer nije dovoljno glup da posalje ijedan cent u BiH jer svi znamo gdje te pare zavrse :?
  16. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Bill uglavnom financira nauku, a ne sirotinju. I u njegovoj oporuci stoji da se vecina novca poklanja razlicitim naucnim institucijama, a porodica ce dobiti samo mali dio njegova imetka.
  17. zilo

    zilo Komšija

    To mali dio stavi pod navodnike. :D
  18. Shenron

    Shenron Komšija

    Nek im da 1mlrd dosta im za pocetak :D
  19. donjapa

    donjapa Overclocker

    citao sam a i gledao da ce ostaviti neke brojke 0.0.. % svojoj djeci i to im dodje po oko 10 il je 100 miliona, nisam tacno siguran.. uglavnom ostalo ide u svrhe humanitarne.. kako rekoshe..

    a za ovaj link od hamzibega (donji) pokazuje samo kako narodu koji zavidi nista ne pase...

    i jevreji su cool :D