The Prequal Trilogy is Overrated 1. The ridiculous character that is Anakin Skywalker: How can you be concerened about the safety of Padme and your unborn child while at the same time slaughtering a room full of kids right down the hall? 2. Count Dooku? Hunh? How can you beat two of the best Jedi (Anakin and Kenobi) and fight to a draw with Yoda in Attack of the clones, to be taken out in the 1st 10 minutes of the film by 1 Jedi in Sith? 3. General Grievoius? what? How does Obi Won who loses pitifully to Count Dooku who uses 1 light Saber in Clones and Sith, go on to defeat Grievous who wields 6 lightsabers at the same time? Shouldnt Obi Won had been shreeded into many pieces? 4. Stormtroppers! How? I thought Jedi were master warriors who can feel danger, predict the future and even move sh-t with the force, well killing a whole legion of them didn't seem to be a problem for a bunch of uneducated cloned stormtroppers. The same genetic soldiers who got beat by Ewoks? 5. Mace Windu, hunh? Wasnt there like 3 jedi that showed up to arrest the Chancellor? It took all of 2 seconds to kill these tentacled creatures off. Wouldnt mace windu had told somebody that he is about to arrest the Chancellor? Wouldn't he had told somebody that the Chancellor was a Sith Lord? Wouldn't he had made a report of the sh-t before he confronted the fiend? And why do Jedi where desert robes in air conditioned buildings? 6. The Separtist? Who? Can somebody please tell me who the hell the separtist are? and does anybody care when they get killed? I dont? I thought there was suppose to be like these big battles between Droids and clones, all I ever saw was a bunch of overboard, overdone lightsaber duels. And why does everybody have a lightsaber, yoda, the chancellor, Grievious, Dooku, Maul, what happened to using the force and abstaning from battle and being calm? In this prequal every other scene was a light saber battle, yeah, those Jedi sure are anti violent and they will bust a saber in anybody azz who think differently.
Ima smisla, ali ko trazi pricu ravnu onoj u ruskim romanima nece je naci u Star Wars-ima. Ja sam lud za svim SW filmovima, i smatram ih kao bajku, kao nesto uz sta se mogu odmoriti i uzivati u specijalnim efektima. Nijedna ni druga trilogija ne zahtijevaju preveliku upotrebu sivih celija. :mrgreen: Propusta ima masa, ali nije poenta gledati filmove i traziti greske na svakom koraku. :|
Fanatici svaki film / serijal seciraju (kad se sjetim nagadjanja za nastavak matrixa ili pak greske uocene u lotr), no generalno mozes podijeliti filmove na one sa vaznom porukom te one koji pruzaju dobru zabavu (naravno, tu si i oni nakon kojih zalis za utrosenim vremenom). u svakom slucaju, kad izadje wii, light saber u ruke i ostalo je historija
Ma i meni su Star Warsi odličan serijal... Samo što mi je uvijek fascinantno ovo geekovsko razbijanje detalja, tek toliko da se vidi da razmišljamo... Recimo, u Gospođi Bovari, u jednom momentu ona ima smeđe, u drugom crne oči!!! To, naravno, ne znači da je roman automatski loš! BTW, mislim da Star Wars itekako imaju važna značenja u sebi (prije svega SILA i način na koji prenosi likove > mene podsjeća na religiju; odnos Republika i Imperija manje-više je očigledan > kao i na šta aludira), mada su sitniji motivi mogli biti malo usklađeniji...