Sutra počinje BlizzCon te bi prema svim prognozama trebali dobiti barem trailer za Diablo 4, uz vjerovatno novu WoW ekspanziju, Overwatch 2, datum izlaska za WarCraft 3 Reforged i možda Diablo Immortal. Ko je nagodan za novi Diablo?
Sanctuary has been a home to Diablo players for more than 20 years, and it’s with our own deep passion for the series and a deep appreciation of the community that we announce Diablo IV today. We’re excited to be returning to the dark, quintessential Diablo gameplay that players love while expanding the world and story in new ways, and we can’t wait for more people to be able to experience it. Players will find a lifetime’s worth of adventure scattered across a land rooted in unique ecologies and inhabited by dangerous new foes. They’ll delve into randomized dungeons packed with unpredictable adversaries and unimaginable treasures. While continuing to fully support solo and coordinated party play, Diablo IV will also provide opportunities for groups of players to encounter each other in the same shared world—whether to tackle bigger challenges . . . or possibly even slaughter one another in player-vs.-player combat. In Diablo IV, players will attempt to bring hope back to the world by vanquishing evil in all its vile incarnations—from cannibalistic demon-worshipping cultists to the all-new drowned undead that emerge from the coastlines to drag their victims to a watery grave. For the first time in the series, Sanctuary will be a contiguous, seamless landmass comprising diverse regions ranging from the burning desert of Kejhistan, to the verdant werewolf-infested forests of Scosglen, to the harsh and rugged wilderness of the Dry Steppes. BARBARIAN The Barbarian has unparalleled strength and expertly wields an entire arsenal in battle, with a weapon for every occasion. He bellows intimidating war cries and unleashes ground-shaking slams to send approaching hordes reeling. SORCERESS The Sorceress shapes the elements into whatever form is necessary to ensure victory, from hurling bolts of lightning, impaling her foes upon jagged spikes of ice, and raining flaming meteors down from the sky. DRUID The Druid is a savage shapeshifter, fluidly transforming between the forms of a towering bear or a vicious werewolf to fight alongside the creatures of the wild. He also commands the power of earth, wind, and storm, unleashing nature’s wrath to devastating effect.
Poslije Diablo Immortal fijaska, postao sam vrlo skeptican u pravcu u kojem Blizz ide. No, vidjevsi klipove od D4 do sada, ovo bi mogao biti pun pogodak. Jedina je steta sto je ovo trebao biti D3. Path of Exile je uzeo ogroman dio kolaca i svaki dan do releasea je bitan, ako imalo zele da vrate prethodni dio trzista, uz eventualne D2 igrace.