Nvidia Turing [GeForce RTX 20x0 Series]

Discussion in 'Procesori, RAM, matične ploče i grafičke kartice' started by Neso, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Pa dobijem vece od 1060, a 1060 je 300 eura

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  2. dmr

    dmr Veteran foruma

    na piku imas 3GB model 420KM, 6GB model 470KM :D
  3. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

    Ako uzmemo da je istina da je GTX 2050 50% brza od GTX 1050, jel to znaci da je na nivou GTX 1060?
  4. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    U nadolazecoj generaciji nece biti znacajan skok u performansama, samo cemo dobiti podrsku za RTX...
  5. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Pa 2060 je 30% brza od 1060 , nije to malo.

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  6. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Nisam pratio, kad se ocekuje nova serija?
  7. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

    Navodno od septembra.
  8. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    Preskačem do 7nm procesa. :)
    Sena and Esh like this.
  9. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Jeftinije se drogirati ko sav normalan svit.
    Sena likes this.
  10. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Najbitnije je da ces moci igrati Metro Exodus sa Raytracingom :p
  11. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Ma jok, koristila bi se za 3ds max viewport i Asetto Corsa Competizione al u VRu, plan je jos taj OR zbavit nekad.

    Od real time tracinga nema nista jos bar par godina.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sena

    Sena Veteran foruma

    Barem se fino osjecas.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  13. Neso

    Neso Komšija

  14. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
    Vedo likes this.
  15. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    NVIDIA Unleashes Turing GPU Powered Quadro RTX Series Graphics Cards – The ‘World First Ray Tracing GPU


      • New RT Cores to enable real-time ray tracing of objects and environments with physically accurate shadows, reflections, refractions and global illumination.
      • Turing Tensor Cores to accelerate deep neural network training and inference, which are critical to powering AI-enhanced rendering, products, and services.
      • New Turing Streaming Multiprocessor architecture, featuring up to 4,608 CUDA® cores, delivers up to 16 trillion floating point operations in parallel with 16 trillion integer operations per second to accelerate complex simulation of real-world physics.
      • Advanced programmable shading technologies to improve the performance of complex visual effects and graphics-intensive experiences.
      • The first implementation of ultra-fast Samsung 16Gb GDDR6 memory to support more complex designs, massive architectural datasets, 8K movie content and more.
      • NVIDIA NVLink to combine two GPUs with a high-speed link to scale memory capacity up to 96GB and drive higher performance with up to 100GB/s of data transfer.
      • Hardware support for USB Type-C™ and Virtual Link™(1), a new open industry standard being developed to meet the power, display and bandwidth demands of next-generation VR headsets through a single USB-C™ connector.
      • New and enhanced technologies to improve the performance of VR applications, including Variable Rate Shading, Multi-View Rendering, and VRWorks Audio.
      • Quadro RTX 8000 with 48GB memory: $10,000 ESP
      • Quadro RTX 6000 with 24GB memory: $6,300 ESP
      • Quadro RTX 5000 with 16GB memory: $2,300 ESP
    Quadro RTX GPUs will be available starting in the fourth quarter.


    NVIDIA Teases GeForce RTX Series Graphics Cards Launching At Gamescom

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
    heroic likes this.
  16. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Hajde, ipak nove dolaze :D Sviđa mi se kako u isto vrijeme možeš i ne možeš porediti performanse Pascal i Turing kartica :D
  17. XTRage

    XTRage Veteran foruma

    Sad skontah da je gamescom u Köln-u i da sam u blizini u to vrijeme, moglo bi se malo prosetati :D
    EL NINO CFC and Esh like this.
  18. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    RayTracing ce da bude veliki teret za performanse, cak i ovaj djelimicni u kombinaciji sa tradicionalnom rasterizacijom. Mislim da ce performanse znatno bit kompromitovane istim, sa ovom nadolazecom generacijom GPU-ova. Mozda za jedno dvije, tri generacije kartica da to bude radilo ok, medjutim u ovoj fazi, mislim da je to jos uvijek samo mali show off. Mislim da se nece isplatit da upalis RT u postavkama kao npr. u naslovu poput nadolazeceg Metra, gdje ce RayTracing biti minimalan, a FPS znatno kompromitovan, IMHO. Mozda u nekim naslovima poput Mirror's Edge, gdje ima puno stakla, metala itd... pa to stvarno dodje do izrazaja i da ti ne bude zao gubitka u FPS-u. Bit ce zanimljivo vidjeti kako ce se sve to odraziti u igrama i performansama. Ovo dodje kao kada smo dobili full teselaciju, sto je bila velika promjena u geometriji, samo sto ovdje pricamo o simulacijama svijetla, sjena... :)
    Vedo likes this.
  19. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Od 2:40 krece "decoding" :D haha kakv lik :D
  20. Neso

    Neso Komšija