Problem oko instalacje windows-a

Discussion in 'PC konfiguracije, notebook računari, servis' started by Rodjo, May 6, 2007.

  1. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    Dobio sam novu graficku, i oborio sistem, medjutim, pri instalaciji SP2 ne mogu da udjem u windows. Zastopa prije samog ulaska...
    zatim sam instalirao SP1 i sve je normalno funkcionisalo, ali kada sam uradio update na SP2 opet se desila ista stvar. Ne znam da li je do graficke ili je problem u necem drugom? Da li je neko imao slican problem i da li mi moze pomoci?
  2. pac

    pac Komšija

    zaboravio si da stavis koja je graf u pitanju ovako ti nemoze niko pomoci :wink:
  3. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    u pitanju je ati radeon x800
  4. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    pokusao sam uci u safemode ali je i tu ustopao na:
  5. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    Ima li iko pojma o cemu se ovde radi, izgubio sam citav dan zezajuci se sa ovim :cry:
  6. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Imas win-xp cd sa integrisanim SP2 ili ga naknadno instaliras?
  7. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    Probao sam i jedno i drugo....
  8. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Ja sad tek nista ne kontam. Kad kazes "oborio sistem" pri tom mislis da si ponovo instalirao windowse?
  9. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    Da, formatirao disk,i instalirao Windows sa integrisanim SP2, pa nisam mogao uci. Onda sam uyeo drugi windows, i opet formatirao disk i instalirao windows sa SP1, i on je radio normalno, dok nisam skinuo update SP2, i kad sam resetovo komp ponovo zastopa
  10. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Znaci nisi nista instalirao prije nego sto si pokusao instalirati sp2?

    Ako je tako nabaci autopatcher (zadnji full i update-e) i furaj.
  11. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

  12. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    Znaci da instaliram SP1 i samo da updatam
  13. AdoSA

    AdoSA Komšija

    Alp ti SP2 nije neophodan nemoj ga ni instalirati. Mislim meni i SP1 i SP2 rade bez problema ikakvih...
  14. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    A sta mislis do cega bi moglo bit i sto li je izlistavao, ono prije ulaska u safe mode, na kraju se zaustavi na: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)/windows/system32/drivers/agp440.sys
  15. Benq

    Benq Komšija

    Driver za AGP na ploci..
  16. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Follow these steps to disable the Agp440.sys service.

    Important You must know the administrator password to complete the following procedure. If you do not know the administrator password, contact your system administrator. After you complete this procedure, any video adapter driver you have installed will be disabled, and Windows XP will use default VGA drivers.

    1. Insert your Windows XP CD-ROM into the computer CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer from the CD-ROM.

    Note Some computers may require that you modify the basic input/output system (BIOS) settings before you can start the computer from a CD-ROM. For information about how to modify the BIOS, see your computer documentation.
    2. At the Welcome to Setup screen, press R to start the Recovery Console.
    3. Press the number key that corresponds to the installation that you want to repair, and then press ENTER.
    4. Type the password for the administrator account of that installation, and then press ENTER. You receive a drive:WINDOWS> prompt, where drive is the drive on which Windows XP is installed.
    5. Type listsvc, and then press ENTER.
    6. Make sure that the Agp440 service is listed, and that the startup type is set to "Boot".
    7. Press ESC.
    8. Type disable agp440, and then press ENTER.
    9. You receive a message that the registry setting for this service was found, and that its current startup state is "service_disabled".
    10. Type exit, and then press ENTER.
    11. If you are prompted to start in Safe mode or Normal mode, start in Normal mode.
    12. Log on to your computer.
  17. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    znam to, al zar ga nije trebao instalirati sa windowsom?
  18. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Uradi ovo sto sam napisao, pa onda probaj nabaciti SP2.
    Ako ne ide, zivi sa SP1.
  19. Rodjo

    Rodjo Aktivista

    ok, hvala puno.
    evo upravo sam zavrsio sa instalacijom SP1, ne da mi se veceras ponovo peglat sa SP2, probacu ono sa updateom sto si mi reko, ako to ne upali pokusacu i ovo stosi napisao.. U svakom slucaju hvala svima koji su se potridili da mi pomognu.
    Ako vam jos kakvo rjesenje naumpadne slobodno pisite :)
  20. Stihoklepac

    Stihoklepac Moderator

    u biosu stavi na load safe defaults mozda ti fast write pravi problem.