roflmao internacional - roflmaodžinca - roflbadge/tributes

Discussion in 'Generalna diskusija' started by ming, Dec 17, 2005.

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  1. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Hajde ba sulu...

    Ljudi, da napravimo peticiju? :D
  2. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Khm, ne znam odakle da krenem. Neki dan sam bio prisutan jednoj nebulozi na kvadrat, lik tvrdi da ima iPhone (hajd oke iPhone, bit ce za koji mjesec) al ovo je neki posebni model koji radi na GSM mrezama (iPhone trenutno samo podrzava cingular mrezu). Kasnije je objasnjeno da je to inzinjerski primjerak koji nece biti na trzistu :lol: koji je hapnut iz jedne firme (veoma poznate world wide) i stigao skroz u Bosnu. Jos se smijem nebulozi.


    Da ima kuci ADSL2 dobio ga na testiranje :D i jos nekih stvari.
  3. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    A jel' se usudio da ga iznese u javnost? :mrgreen:
  4. FeyzA

    FeyzA Aktivista

    Prisustvovao sam priči :D

    U vezi Iphone-a , rekao je da je taj isti model dobio od Logitecha te da taj inzinjerski primjerak ima 5mpx cameru :)

    Dalje, Apple Macbook 13" , citiram "Ovo je PROTOTIP , u njemu je X1600" , i uzmem ja da pogledam,odem u properties GMA950 224MB :D
    al' nisam nista govorio, cekao sam jos koju izvalu :D

    Evo i mali prilog :):)

  5. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    jel to drugo od istog lika? hahahahaha. :mrgreen:
  6. FeyzA

    FeyzA Aktivista

    Jeste jeste , isti lik :lol: :mrgreen:
  7. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    haj ga nagovori da redovno svrati ovdje na forum. :mrgreen:
  8. FeyzA

    FeyzA Aktivista

    Haha sad sam se sjetio :!:

    Rece kako ide dva puta godisnje liku u Mostar (formatiranje i instalacija), te kako mu ovaj placa gorivo i svaki put 100KM za reinstalaciju :mrgreen: :shock: :lol:
  9. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    ROFLMAOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. AdoSA

    AdoSA Komšija

    A sto ja ne mogu da naidjem na takve .... :lol: :lol:
  11. Esh

    Esh HWB

    pa s obzirom na one bombe gore, ovo izgleda sasvim realno :D

    rekao sam vam da se necete pokajati. mi i dalje pregovaramo oko svih ekskluziva, nece bit jeftino 8)
  12. Esh

    Esh HWB

    ossx alias crossfire je nula za ove inzenjerske testove =)
  13. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    volio bi s njim kafu popiti... :lol:
  14. Esh

    Esh HWB

    moze se dogovoriti, mozda se nadje neki inzenjerski sample ps3 ko za tebe :)
  15. Neo Bahamut Zero

    Neo Bahamut Zero Veteran foruma

    super, ali ako ikako moze od Logitecha, jer mi Sony bas ne pravi to kako treba... :mrgreen:
  16. Esh

    Esh HWB

    naravno, logitech je dobio posebne ps3 sampleove koji se ne mogu nigdje naci jer prave za sony razne dodatke. sta ima tu nejasno, osim cinjenice da ovi posebni sampleovi su 3x izdrzljiviji od obicnih jer ne mozes logitechu slat "uobicajeno", a ko zna, mozda imaju i integrisanu kameru :eek:
  17. Sleeper

    Sleeper Komšija

    My mother is insane

    Obavezno pogledati
    Luda mama
    Gora familija
    "I've got someone in my family who is the same way, only a lot worse. The images I've seen in pictures and firsthand are pretty harrowing and certainly mind boggling. The way some people can live and not seek change is amazing. Unfortunately hoarding and animal hoarding gets worse with age, so without help, your mother is only going to go downhill. Plus they people who suffer from those disorders get much faster and skilled at it, so if say she makes that house completely unliverable and has to move, she could junk the new place up a lot faster. She doesn't look as destructive as the relative I have, though."

    "??? how could it be that much worse? "
    "Not taking care of the dozens of animals you hoard, not cleaning up after yourself or them, not noticing when one dies under a mountain of junk and begins to rot. Scary stuff."

    "There was an old lady who used to go to my church before she died who showed the same behavior. I was only ever in her house once, but it was exactly the same(I went there with my mother because the lady wanted some sewing done and my Mom didn't want to go in alone). Boxes filled the entire place with very narrow paths that lead through the living room to the bathroom and to her bedroom. There were mouse/rat feces laying about that couldn't be cleaned. You couldn't even move boxes to get to walls so it just kept on getting dirtier and dirtier. Spiders, cockroaches, and centipedes could be seen just by walking back to the bedroom. There was apparently a leak in the roof somewhere because part of the ceiling had fungus/mildew sprouting on it. The windows were all covered as well which made the air feel very tight and oppressive - God only knows how much bacteria was floating around in the air there. I was frightened that if I knocked over any boxes I would be swarmed by cockroaches or attacked by rats. She died recently, I think my old Pastor found her body when he went to check on her because nobody had been in contact with her for a week or so."
  18. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Pogle legende: :lol:

    On misli nekom uvalit polovnu 7900GTX po cijeni nove 8800GTX :mrgreen:

    Jos je napiso koliko ju je platio :lol:
  19. monK

    monK Komšija

    Još uvijek pričate o ps3, kada mi profesionalni beta testeri već imamo ps4!

    Buuuuuuuuu, leFati, otpušteni ste!
  20. monK

    monK Komšija

    E to sam vidio, i nije mi bilo jasno!

    Čak sam se počešao po glavi i zapitao je li on normalan!!!
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