torrent javlja problem sa portom i vezom(port forwarding)

Discussion in 'Internet provideri, umrežavanje i web servisi' started by virtualx, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. virtualx

    virtualx Aktivista

    neznam sta da radim.
    torent mi javlja da nesto nije uredu sa konekcijom, kao da portovi nisu forward-ovani
    iskljucim firewall ,ali opet isto, znaci nije do njega.
    na slici se vidi dole crvena ikonica sa uzvicnikom koja javlja problem, nekad bude i zuta pa predje u crvenu,a trebala bi biti zelena po pravilu.
    vidi se da download ide ok na nekim.

    pa sad dali uopste ovo predstavlja problem posto mi download ide ok.
    radi se o wirelesu 1Mb/s ,a zna skidati preko 60KB/S ,znaci ok je.
    ali zasto onda javlja ovu gresku.
    koji port da upisem da se koristi ,ili da samo kliknem na random.
  2. Pasha

    Pasha Komšija

  3. virtualx

    virtualx Aktivista

    to sam i prije nasao, ali kad ukucam onaj getaway adresu od mrezne wireless kartice nece da se pojavi konfiguracija ,nece da otvori sajt.
  4. Pasha

    Pasha Komšija

    peer guardian 2 probaj ukucaj na guglu
    redovno ga updatuj,ja ga koristim a ako ga ja koristim onda je uredu,hehehe
    Also in NOD32 antivirus, you need to make sure that the 'Potentially unsafe applications' feature is not active (this makes getting connectable impossible). This is done by opening the control centre, then clicking 'AMON', then 'setup', clicking the 'options' tab and then unchecking the 'potentially unsafe applications' box.
    Some people find that even after portforwarding and following all the other steps, their download speed is still severely limited. This can be due to traffic-shaping - limiting or blocking bittorrent traffic - by their internet service provider. Modern bittorrent clients such as utorrent, azureus and the newest versions of bitcomet have a feature called protocol encryption which is designed to overcome this.
  5. virtualx

    virtualx Aktivista

    nije problem kod mene
    nego kod provajdera
    imama 2 wirelesa
    na wirelesu radi sve ok i zelena ikona
    a na wirelesu javlja crvenu ikonu
    znaci oni su blokirali p2p
    neradi mi ni dc++ preko
    mozeli se to kako izbjeci ta p2p zastita.
    negdje sam citao da ima neki encoder koji p2p protok pretvara u obicni, tako da moze raditi iako ima p2p zastita kod provajdera?
  6. Tir Anasazi

    Tir Anasazi Komšija

    Kod mene se povremeno javi isti problem, ali samo promjenim port, odradiš "Test if Port is forwarded properly" i uglavnom se brzo sredi stvar. Vidi u opcijama da li ti je checkiran box "Randomize port each time uTorrent starts", moze ti i to stvarati problem, iako po defaultu nije checkiran.

    Imas odredjenih site-ova koji ti ne dozvoljavaju koristenje port-ova u odredjenim intervalima. Mozda ti ovo pomogne:

    "... does not allow clients to use ports commonly associated with p2p protocols. The reason for this is that it is a common practice for ISPs to throttle those ports (that is, limit the bandwidth, hence the speed).

    The blocked ports list include, but is not neccessarily limited to, the following:

    Direct Connect 411 - 413
    Kazaa 1214
    eDonkey 4662
    Gnutella 6346 - 6347
    BitTorrent 6881 - 6889
    Often you must configure your client to use any port range that does not contain those ports (a range within the region 49152 through 65535 is preferable, cf. IANA). Notice that some clients, like Azureus or higher, use a single port for all torrents, while most others use one port per open torrent. The size of the range you choose should take this into account (typically less than 10 ports wide. There is no benefit whatsoever in choosing a wide range, and there are possible security implications).

    These ports are used for connections between peers, not client to tracker. Therefore this change will not interfere with your ability to use other trackers (in fact it should increase your speed with torrents from any tracker, not just ours). Your client will also still be able to connect to peers that are using the standard ports. If your client does not allow custom ports to be used, you will have to switch to one that does.

    Takodjer posjeti ovu stranicu:
  7. Doe78

    Doe78 Novi član

    DAj vise info o ip config, kako si mrezu kod sebe postavio, i probaj ovo ako si iskljucio dhcp i manuelno unosio ip adrese problem ces rijesiti tako sto ces na primarni dns server ukucati ponovo adresu routera, znaci getaway-a, ja sam tako kod sebe regulisao taj problem... i radi ko doxa sad