Windows Longhorn Reloaded

Discussion in 'Operativni sistemi, aplikacije i programiranje' started by iskusni, May 30, 2007.

  1. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    As doctor Frankensteon woud say; it's alive it's alive ! Windows Longhorn has been resurrected and is available for download. Microsoft unveiled Longhorn back in early 2002, as the operating system designed to succeed Windows XP. However, the 2002 Windows Longhorn and the January 31, 2007 Windows Vista are not one and the same operating system. I am sure that there are still some of you that recall August 27, 2004, a day when Microsoft announced a scale back and a reset of Longhorn in order to make the then planned 2006 deadline. If Microsoft had not changed course back in 2004, Windows Vista as we know it would have never booted on our desktops. Sure enough, it seems that a group of developers failed to see eye to eye with the Redmond Company on the divergent trajectory from Longhorn. As a result, they took it upon themselves to resurrect Windows Longhorn according to Microsoft's original vision of the operating system.

    While Windows Vista no longer has the Windows File System (WinFS) feature and its core has been built starting from the Windows Server 2003 kernel, the Joejoe group have gone back to the pre-release Build 4074 of Longhorn and took it from there. "Longhorn Reloaded M1 Technical Refresh - The second public release of Longhorn Reloaded. The serial required is: TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW. This technical refresh release can now be installed on a partitioned hard drive. You shouldn't have any problems while installing unlike the original Longhorn Reloaded M1 Release," reveals a message that accompanied the download. In fact, the two screenshots that you are able to see at the bottom come not from Windows Vista but from Windows Longhorn Reloaded M1.

    Microsoft has so far failed to react to the project officially, but the Redmond Company did state that the end users license agreement for the beta build of Longhorn does not allow users to modify and redistribute the code. Meanwhile, the Joejoe group - under the leadership of Jemaho (JeanMarie Houvenaghel) - informed that the development process will move to the M2 milestone.

    It makes me so sad that Microsoft can't see the value of Open Source. If they simply let others work on their code, things like WinFS would be ready to deploy months ago. Instead, people have to reverse engineer them...

    Download i informacije:

    Nice 8)
  2. mahirzukic2

    mahirzukic2 Guest

    jesil vidio broj codera :D, nece ga nikad zavrsit :D, mada svaka mu cast na strpljenju i prvrzenosti
  3. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    9 zlatnih :D
    Ma šta se zna možda i odrade ;)
  4. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Mah, kad je to m$ napustio (pazi, m$ napustio projekat) to jos samo Bog moze srediti da valja.
  5. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    Možda su ovi nadareni više nego m$-ovci :D
  6. burner

    burner Aktivista

    Nadareniji možda, ali iskusniji ni teoretski ne mogu biti.
  7. 3125

    3125 Komšija

    Sto da ne, ko je u tim vodama od malena moze komotno biti odlican UI Designer. Iskustvo nije uvijek ni prednost, ovi garant imaju mnogo vise elana i zelje za radom.

    Sto bi kolega jedan rekao: "Imam osjecaj da su ljudi koji prave ove open source projekte srednjoskolci uber genijalci"
  8. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

  9. HamziBeg

    HamziBeg Komšija

    Meni je dječak petnaesto godišnjak bio instruktor za kreiranje 2D igrica. Frajer izmjenjao firmi nego ja čarapa. Savjetnik ovdje, savjetnik tamo..., zapad je to, po pitanju sticanja znanja i prosperiteta, mnogo je lakše.
  10. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    Šta znači živjeti na zapadu :|
  11. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    Evo našao sam malo screenshot-ova:

    Ovo su stari shotovi. Onaj tim je dodao Aero, razne popravke, skinove, i još ponešto.
  12. godzila

    godzila Novi član

    daj link de ga ima skinuti iskusni jel sam poceo i nema ga na torrentu neko ga obrisao bio je 780 mb

    imas koji ok torrent de da ga nadjem a da je live da je ziv ne sa link-a
  13. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

    najbolji torent,a i konekcija najveca i konstantna jesu "RULES".jos kad ti dodje provajder(MOD) nece ti trebat ni da se konektujes :)
  14. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    Skinuli su ga sa net-a jer pregovaraju sa M$ ;). Javim kada budu završili pregovori ;)
  15. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    Projekat će biti nastavljen, a za one koji žele da downloaduju ima torrent na mininovoj (nisu još uvijek vratili svoj torrent):

    EDIT: Nije u funkciji :E, zamijenit ću ga sa onim koji radi asap.
  16. godzila

    godzila Novi član

  17. iskusni

    iskusni Komšija

    Ništa! Evo poslije 1h objavljuju da su još uvijek u razgovorima sa M$-om i da zasada nema ništa. Ja mislim da je ovo propalo :(