... 4347940871 Iz prošle sedmice: Leaked Image Gives A First Look At Destiny 2, Out This September ... 1793560899 Trebao bi biti PC port. Ak one bude, prebacite temu medju konzolne igre.
Trenutno igram na XBOX One. Jako dobra igra sa zanimljivom pricom iako se na momente covjek izgubi i ne zna tacno koji dio price prati. Igra je zaista koncipirana da se igra na konzolama, velicina igre i nije tolika koliko to djeluje na prvi pogled dok je ne pocnes igrati ALI ima jaaaako mnogo neiskoristenog potencijala. Na zalost sve sto izadje pod oznakom ACTIVISION i ima miris Call of Duty fransize u konacnici ne valja. Bojim se da ce PC port dokazati ovu moju tvrdnju jer PC igraci su jako razmazeni i vecina stvari sa konzola ne prolazi na PC-u narocito ne sistem napucavanja koji je u ovoj igri dosta spor zbog kontrolera ali kada se PC igraci domognu tastature i misa onda ce ionako mali svijet i mape postati jos manje. Davno sam rekao da FPS igre nisu za igranje na kontroleru i pri tome ostajem i kod ove igre. Svakako joj zelim mnogo uspjeha ali se ne isplati kupiti pri izlasku tek kada izadje neko ultimate izdanje sa svim ekspanzijama kao sto je to trenutna Destiny The Collection za X1 i PS4.
Re: RE: Re: Destiny 2 Season pass u koji nisu bili ukljuceni svi dlc-ovi. Pa si i pored toga sto si imao season pass, morao kupiti zadnja dva dlc. Lol Ovo jedino uzet, ako, kad izadje dobije odlicne reviews. Ali mislim na reviews igraca, ne portala.
We want to let everyone know that a new game will be appearing alongside your favorite Blizzard games—one that’s a little different from what you might normally expect. Bungie’s upcoming first-person action game Destiny 2 will be joining the party! We’re excited to announce that we're partnering with Bungie and Activision to support the PC version of Destiny 2 exclusively via We’re big fans of Destiny here at Blizzard, and we’re honored to be able to help the talented folks at Bungie and Activision bring their much-anticipated sequel to a new platform. Being on will allow Destiny 2 to plug in to our existing global network, freeing up the developers at Bungie to focus their energy and resources on making the best and most fun game they possibly can. This also means Destiny 2 players will have access to our online social functionality, including chat with friends, the ability to see which of their friends are online in Destiny 2 or in Blizzard games, and the ability to stream gameplay directly to Facebook. See the FAQ below for further platform details, and stay tuned for updates as we get closer to welcoming Destiny 2 and its players to To learn more about Destiny 2, head over to Why are you adding a non-Blizzard game to Blizzard's platform? We loved Destiny and think Destiny 2 is going to be a great game. Blizzard has an established and successful global internet infrastructure we’ve used for years to support our own games. Creating a new network client for Destiny 2, which is bringing the franchise to PC for the first time, would needlessly extend the development period for the game. We want to get our hands on Destiny 2 as soon as possible like everybody else, so we offered to share our PC platform with our sister companies for this release. Does this mean other games are going to come to the Blizzard platform too? Our focus in terms of supporting non-Blizzard games is solely around Destiny 2. Aside from potentially evaluating needs or opportunities for future Activision games, we don’t have any short- or long-term plans to support third-party games with It’s important to us to maintain our quality standards for any experience or service we’re putting in front of our players, which represents a big investment of time and effort on our part, so this is not something we’re jumping into lightly. Does this mean I'll be able to use my Blizzard Balance to purchase Destiny 2? Yes! Will Destiny 2 offer the same cross-game social features that Blizzard titles currently have? Destiny 2 will be integrated into many of Blizzard’s existing social features—you’ll be able to chat with friends playing Destiny 2 the same way you already can for Blizzard games. Players will also be able to add friends and form parties the same way Blizzard gamers can. And, you’ll see a Destiny 2 status icon by your friends who are playing Destiny 2 the same way you do for friends playing StarCraft II, Diablo III, WoW, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, and Overwatch. Where and when will Destiny 2 on PC be available? We’re excited to work with Bungie to bring the PC version of Destiny 2 to every region Blizzard currently operates in. Bungie is actively working through the global details. We look forward to sharing additional information later this year. Who will be operating Destiny 2’s servers? Bungie will maintain Destiny 2’s servers; Blizzard’s servers will be used for features related to the Blizzard platform, such as login and social functionality. And what about customer service? Destiny 2’s gameplay customer service will be handled by Bungie; Blizzard will handle customer service for platform and shop issues specific to our service.
Meni je ovo super vijest. Blizzard platforma će osigurati stabilno i cheater-free okruženje za ugodno i fer igranje. Kod Blizzarda nema kompromisa što se tiče varalica i to im je najjači adut. Igra će sama po sebi opet biti jedna velika krava muzara tako da će svako ko je kupi odmah u startu zažaliti kasnije, jer će kao i kod prvog dijela sve buduće nadogradnje prodavati po cijenama zasebnih igara a sadržaj će biti jako oskudan. Bungie je to pokazao i ponovit će to opet. Ali po čemu se njihova strategija razlikuje od Call of Duty franšize? Ni po čemu!
Sta nema varalica, kad se sjetim battlegrounda u WoW-u, znaci 20 od 40 ljudi botovi, idu istom linijom i cap-aju pointe :lol: Farmere da ne spominjem...
Pristavio sam, da vidim i to cudo. Prvi je bio podosadan, vanilla doduse. Navodno su kasnije dodali svasta
Je li iko od vas ima osjecaj da je najveci problem sto ima previse igara? Hrpa shootera, dota folova, rpgova, igraci rastrgani na sve strane, igra uglavnom zivi do 6 mjeseci..
Igre koje zive 6 mjeseci su loše igre koje su se prodale na hajp. Raja proba i vrati se na ono sto valja. A one koje valjaju zive nekoliko godina. BC2, WOT, CS:GO, TF2, arma 3, RO2 itd itd. Cak i igre koje izgube podrsku i servere budu "oživljene" kao BF2 revive project: Ima dosta igara ali jako malo dobrih igara. Ne pamtim kada sam odigrao FPS kampanju. Za dobar RTS nisi imao nekog izbora. Sada je nesto malo bolje ali dalek ood sjajnog. Isto vazi i za racing igre. Imas iRacing, a. corsu kao simulaciju i eventualno raceroom. Nesto od novijih igara sto me odusevilo je atlas reactor. Ali koliko je takvih igara. Imašp dobrih igara koje su obecavale i koje imaju dobru podlogu ali nikada nisu zaživjele zbog loših odluka developera. Recimo Planetside 2 ili Hawken.
Ono sto valja i opstane. Klonovi dodju i odu. Osim ovih serijala sto svake godine izlaze, oni namjerno ubiju igru da prodaju sljedecu
Destiny 1 i dalje ima fin broj igraca na PS4. Strajkovi i Raidovi su najbolji dio igre. Samo je problem bio na pocetku Destiny 1, sto ih je bilo veoma malo. Cak niti jedan Raid na pocetku, pa onda dodali jedan, i ostale tek dodavali kroz DLC. Tako da je se svodilo da svaki dan ogras isto. Grajndas opremu, koju opet koristis da bi grajdao drugu opremu. Ja sam jedan od onih sto je nasjeo na hype kod keca... igrao sam je opsesivno mjesec, da bi onda samo quit nakon tog perioda, i nikad je vise nisam upalio, a imao sam i kuplje prvi season pass sa dva dlc, a niti jedan nisam cak ni probao. Probao sam Destiny 2, i sve mi isto izgleda. Sve mi opet se svodi na grajnd opreme. Tako da sma odigrao 1 sat i izbrisao, i nemam nikakvih planova da je uzimam. Igrati PvP se ne isplati jer je i dalje P2P.