Sa neta sam skinuo vBulletin 3.07 ( skoro pa najnoviji) jedino je 3.0.8 njanoviji i kada ga otpakujem jer mi oddje RAR-ovan, dobijem nekoliko foldera, znam da ne trebam uploadovati ove readme fajlove i license_agreement ali pored toga dodju mi 3 foldera 1.) upload == uploadujem ga 2.) do_not_upload == ne uploadujem ga 3.) lang == i u njemu nadjem opet rarovan fajl punog naziva vbulletin-language-ru_vb305_v1.1 i u njemu mi stoji folder pod nazivom buttons i XML file == puni naziv vbulletin-language-ru.xml dakle 1 uploadujem, a 2 i 3 ne i kada odem na sajt gdje sam uploadovao pojavi mi se ovo There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser. An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists. We apologise for any inconvenience. i pritisnem ja refresh 1000000 puta, opet nista pa eto ko zna kao nagrada eto GAMING template 3620 sa TEMPLATEMONSTER kosta oko 40 dollara (nije RIPovan) vise o njemu na ... /3620.html
na osnovu poruke koju si dobio, izgleda da je problem sa bazom pa ti savjetujem da jos jednom provjeris da li si u konfiguraciji unio pravilne podatke za bazu na tom hostu.
nikad prije nisam radio sa vBulletinom host koji koristim je 100webspace ali vec duze vrijeme znam instalirati phpBB fourm, ali njega kad uploadujem na host odmah mi se pokrene instalacija, da li bi tako trebalo i kod vBulletina ili je drugacije jer kkao kazem prvi put instaliram vB
vbulletin radi na malo drugaciji nacin od phpBB foruma tako da je moguce da je host cak i onemogucio instalaciju (iako je malo nemoguce). Ali kao sto enis rece...meni to isto smrdi na MySQL bazu. Ako ti nije problem...uploadaj i 2) i 3) ... ali prvo bi valjda trebao otpakovati to u 3)... Ali ono sto ti preporucujem je, ako vec nisi, a 99% jesi, procitaj READ ME file...u njemu sve pise
Eh ovako napravio sam na brzinu account na 100webspace i evo adrese glupo ime ali samo mi se generisalo kreirao sam i sql bazu i evo kako ide user: hanaur10_hanaur pass: hanhan opet sve beze samo da sto prije uradim procitam ja readme i zapnem na drugom koraku ovo trebam da popunim =========================================== ODAVDE POCINjE <?php /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || || # vBulletin 3.0.7 - CAT Team || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # All PHP code in this file is ©2000-2005 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. # || || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # || || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # || || # Nullified By CAT Team # || || #################################################################### || \*======================================================================*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------*\ | ****** NOTE REGARDING THE VARIABLES IN THIS FILE ****** | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | If you get any errors while attempting to connect to | | MySQL, you will need to email your webhost because we | | cannot tell you the correct values for the variables | | in this file. | \*-------------------------------------------------------*/ // ****** DATABASE SERVER NAME ****** // This is the hostname or IP address of the database server. // It is in the format HOSTORT. If no PORT is specified, 3306 is used. // If you are unsure of what to put here, leave it at the default value. $servername = 'localhost'; // ****** DATABASE USERNAME & PASSWORD ****** // This is the username and password you use to access MySQL. // These must be obtained through your webhost. $dbusername = 'root'; $dbpassword = ''; // ****** DATABASE NAME ****** // This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located. // This must be created by your webhost. $dbname = 'forum'; // ****** TECHNICAL EMAIL ADDRESS ****** // If any database errors occur, they will be emailed to the address specified here. // Leave this blank to not send any emails when there is a database error. $technicalemail = [email='[email protected]]'[email protected][/email]'; // ****** PERSISTENT CONNECTIONS ****** // This option allows you to turn persistent connections to MySQL on or off. // The difference in performance is negligible for all but the largest boards. // If you are unsure what this should be, leave it off. // 0 = Off; 1 = On $usepconnect = 0; // ****** PATH TO ADMIN & MODERATOR CONTROL PANELS ****** // This setting allows you to change the name of the folders that the admin and // moderator control panels reside in. You may wish to do this for security purposes. // Please note that if you change the name of the directory here, you will still need // to manually change the name of the directory on the server. $admincpdir = 'admincp'; $modcpdir = 'modcp'; // ****** USERS WITH ADMIN LOG VIEWING PERMISSIONS ****** // The users specified here will be allowed to view the admin log in the control panel. // Users must be specified by *ID number* here. To obtain a user's ID number, // view their profile via the control panel. If this is a new installation, leave // the first user created will have a user ID of 1. Seperate each userid with a comma. $canviewadminlog = '1'; // ****** USERS WITH ADMIN LOG PRUNING PERMISSIONS ****** // The users specified here will be allowed to remove ("prune") entries from the admin // log. See the above entry for more information on the format. $canpruneadminlog = '1'; // ****** USERS WITH QUERY RUNNING PERMISSIONS ****** // The users specified here will be allowed to run queries from the control panel. // See the above entries for more information on the format. // Please note that the ability to run queries is quite powerful. You may wish // to remove all user IDs from this list for security reasons. $canrunqueries = ''; // ****** UNDELETABLE / UNALTERABLE USERS ****** // The users specified here will not be deletable or alterable from the control panel by any users. // To specify more than one user, separate userids with commas. $undeletableusers = ''; // ****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ****** // The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions // page, which controls the permissions of other administrators $superadministrators = ''; // Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database. // For example: $tableprefix = 'vb3_'; $tableprefix = ''; // Prefix that all vBulletin cookies will have // For example $cookieprefix = 'bb'; /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || # Nullified By CAT Team || # CVS: $RCSfile:,v $ - $Revision: 1.19 $ || #################################################################### \*======================================================================*/ ?> KRAAAAAAAJ ================================ pod database server name napisem pod database username i password napisem one koje sam vam rekao na pocetku teksta hanaur10_hanaur i pass hanhan pod database name hanaur10_hanhan pod TECHNICAL EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] pod PERSISTENT CONNECTIONS stavim na 0 pod PATH TO ADMIN & MODERATOR CONTROL PANELS ostavim isto pod USERS WITH ADMIN LOG VIEWING PERMISSIONS ostavim na 1 pod USERS WITH ADMIN LOG PRUNING PERMISSIONS ostavim na 1 pod USERS WITH QUERY RUNNING PERMISSIONS nista ne stavim pod UNDELETABLE / UNALTERABLE USERS nista ne stavim pod SUPER ADMINISTRATORS nista ne stavim pod Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database stavio sam hanaur i prefix sam ostavio bb pa mozete li mi objasniti ili da micem ovu nagradu jer sve ja ovo uradim kao sto sam napisao a opet ista greska