Odgodjen Age of Empires: DE na 2018. godinu http://www.pcgamer.com/age-of-empir...ed-until-next-year-for-more-in-depth-testing/
Age of Empires Definitive Edition dolazi 20. februara: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/01/18/age-empires-definitive-edition-launches-february-20/ @Qler
Ja se nadam nekim vijestima o Age of Empires IV ali izgleda jos nista od toga, fali neka dobra strategija. Isto tako jedva cekam ova dva nova Wolfensteina.
AoE IV dev update: https://www.ageofempires.com/news/aoe2020-review/ We are making great progress on Age of Empires IV. I don’t want to make you jealous, but we are literally playing this game every single day, both in Washington and in Vancouver. RTS development is funny -- it takes a while to build the separate systems (AI, economy, sim, rendering, etc.) and then it takes a while for them to come together. But when they do, you suddenly have a game—a game that needs debugging and balance and polish, but the core of the game that you know you’re going to ship. And the best part is that it feels like an Age of Empires game.
Nadam se da će biti dobra. Nekako me strah da neće biti RTS kakvu bar ja očekujem. A volio bih da debelo griješim Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk
Ovo se ceka još od AOE Online. Odnosno, i on je bio lame. Kad' se sjetim one ubagovane registracije na MS acc samo da se online obrne. EDIT: Pa i toj je igri 10 godine. Damn.
Ja se sjećam kad sam prvi put igrao AoE ibretio se grafici, detaljima... Prije toga C&C igrao i Civ Jebo te, drvo padne, ptice lete, valovi... Vrhunac grafike a tek uvodna animacija pfff A izgleda da će gameplay bidi dobar, da nisu experimentisali sa core game. Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk
Core gameplay ostaje bez vecih izmjena, tako da tu nece biti problema jer igru prakticno prave za AoE community. Ono sto ce biti zanimljivo vidjeti jeste koliko old skul RTS igra moze privuci novih igraca.