Carentan mapa svih mapa u CoDa, dok su zeznuli zestoko sa Chinatown u CoD4 koja je otprilike ista mapa samo kinesko okruzenje, bar ja nisam Chinatown volio nikako.
Recenzija sa Gamespota:
Imam preorder, gledao sam streamove sinoc, bezveze, ne ide mi se po igru. Kazu da je singleplayer odlican. Iscriptovano do bola, ali uvijek je tako bilo.
Call of Duty: WWII takes you back to a time without fancy fighting tech; you had to rely on your rifle and team mates. Sledgehammer's engine received optimizations in both graphics quality and performance, and there are plenty of settings to play with. We tested at up to 4K resolution, using 15 graphics cards, including the brand-new GTX 1070 Ti. Read Article
Eurogamer recenzija Bilo je dosta hejta oko igre, ali mislim da je novi cod skroz ok..
Jel ko zaigro ovo? Onu verziju sto se ne smije diskutovat Kakav je SP? Prije 10 godina sam se registrovao na ovaj forum da vidm sto mi ne radi COD 4 MW i evo istorija se ponavlja samo sad me intersuje vrijedi li ovaj SP nabavke grafe?
Ako se planira igrati samo SP, onda vjerovatno vrijedi sačekati 3-4 mjeseca za neko sniženje pa kupiti.
Naravno. Imam jos uvijek odlican komp za igranja samo grafa fali. Nemam vremna ko prije da se igram pa mi se ne ulaze u neku skupu grafu a ostao sam zeljan ww2 sa dobrom grafikom. Sad sam bas razapet izmedju zelje za cod ww2 i neke bolje grafe od malo para Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Patch notes: Connectivity improvements and optimisations Fixed de-ranking issues Addressed an issue where players encountered an infinite load screen Leaderboard stability improvements and bug fixes General UI improvements Loading optimisations Splitscreen functionality improvements Added new unlock inventory stars to indicate when new items are added Adjusted hit marker audio to be higher default level (note: can be adjusted in settings) Fixed out of world exploits on Gustav Cannon and Sainte Marie du Mont Espionage Basic Training - Reduced painted time from 10 seconds to 6. Made it so only bullet damage paints you Weapon tuning to allow for one shot kills outside of hardcore mode, enabling challenge completion Fixed infinite flamethrower bug XP Earn rate tuned in Operation Neptune Fix issue of shotgun variants not appearing Emblem Editor and visualisation improvements GameBattles Improvements Fixed Gridiron Ball exploits Buffs: Walther Toggle Action Shotgun - Damage increased at extremely close range Bren LMG - Increased damage per shot LMG Bipod - Sped up ADS time when in bipod stance Nerfs: BAR Rifle - decreased fire rate and widened hip fire spread STG44 Rifle - widened hip fire spread FG42 Rifle - increased recoil and widened hip fire spread Machine Pistol - decreased damage ranges Sniper class: Fixed a bug with all Sniper Rifles zooming to exact center when aiming down the sights. Nazi Zombies updates: Zombie Map Exploit Fix - clipping into a zombie spawn closet using revive mechanic in Laboratory Fixed Klaus pathing Fixed out of world exploit - The Final Reich