Bas mindfuck Sta Kojima ima u glavi, to samo ptice znaju. Ja mislim da je on davno prerastao pojam maste i kreativnosti, mora da mu ideje dolaze na nekom meditacijskom, polusvijesnom levelu hahaha
Jeste. A trailer je jedan od boljih sto sam gledao u zadnjih par godina. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Čovjek je vanzemaljac, kakve ideje ima.. fcking 11/10. @Neo igra je najavljena za 2k18 ili early 19, PC i PS4.
Nije djelimicno, nego potpuno i koriste engine od Sonijevog studija Guerilla Games (Horizon Zero Dawn, Killzone Shadowfall).
Da, koriste 'Decima' engine. Cak mislim da ljudi iz Guerrilla Games rade sa Kojimovim timom, da bi ih sto bolje upoznali sa enginom.
Death Stranding’s Concept Is “Ahead Of Its Time”; Game Is About “Connecting” “The concept is so mind-blowing, because it’s not like, you know, “kill everybody and win the game”, it’s a connecting thing. It’s like the opposite. And, you know, it’s so ahead of its time. And there’s elements of social media in it, and the idea is that, you know, you have so many games, and so many parts of millennial culture I guess, is being alone in a room. And you lose physical contact with people. This is after that and the re-establishing of that physical contact.”
New Death Stranding Trailer Teased By Hideo Kojima