Intel 8/9/10/11/12/13/14-gen procesori

Discussion in 'Procesori, RAM, matične ploče i grafičke kartice' started by forzamilan, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Soviet

    Soviet Aktivista

  2. Neso

    Neso Komšija

  3. Esh

    Esh HWB

  4. XTRage

    XTRage Veteran foruma

  5. Esh

    Esh HWB

  6. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Apple breaks up with Intel, will use own chips from 2020

    Intel gets hurt in the process because all of the hardware success of Apple Mac systems over the years have been through Intel CPUs, associated technologies, and innovation. Big enough that Apple's success with the Mac and Intel processors sees Apple responsible for 5% of Intel's revenue every year.
  7. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

    Ovaj tekst je na nivou klixa i avaza, počevši od naslova pa nadalje. Treba pročitati istu vijest na pristojnim satovima da se stekne bolji uvid šta je u stvari u pitanju.
    JVC likes this.
  8. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Trivijalan clanak, samo da se prenese vijest. Dublje analize su svuda po netu. Koga zanima, google it :)
  9. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

    Samo što je prenose senzacionalistički, zato i rekoh da su nivo klixa i avaza :)
  10. Neso

    Neso Komšija

  11. XTRage

    XTRage Veteran foruma

    Je li se obnovio ko sa B360 plocom i i5-8400 ?
    Mene privlaci taj combo za 230 eura :D
    Volio bih i jos RAM-a nabaciti ali jos je preskup.
  12. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Nije losa opcija, samo tek dolaze nove ploce u BiH..
  13. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    "Chris Hook departed AMD after 17 years with ATI – AMD and it will start on the 1st at Intel."

    "Chris is going to lead marketing for visual technologies and dGFX products at Intel. To our knowledge, he will be the first discrete graphics marketing person at Intel. Yes, Intel is making discrete graphics products and we have reported about that but this might take some time."

    EL NINO CFC Veteran foruma

    hoce li uopste opstati amd-ov graficki odijel?

    Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk
  15. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

    Ako i ne opstane, "niknut" ce Intel kao konkurent. BTW koliko li je Intel platio ovog covjeka, 6 ili 7 cifri? :)
  16. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    U tako velikim korporacijama i pogotovo na tako visokim pozicijama, plata nije jedini bitan faktor, jer oni ciljaju da se dosegne target, da bi se bonusi ostvarili. Evo ti primjer:

    Intel CEO, Brian Krzanich

    Base Pay: $1,250,000
    Bonus + Incentive Comp: $3,699,200
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  17. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Esh likes this.
  18. heroic

    heroic Komšija

    Neso likes this.
  19. Neso

    Neso Komšija

  20. Neso

    Neso Komšija