Sony PlayStation 5 official thread

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by Vedo, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. selvin

    selvin Moderator

    I na kraju it's a good deal...
    Patton2410 and RED DEVILS like this.
  2. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Ako ti nije malo 6h+ baterije i ako ti nije malo 10+ igara imati u svakom trenutku, onda je excellent. Hajd ne znam sto si linkao taj review uopste, komedija.
    Patton2410 likes this.
  3. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Stevie, prva stvar kad ustane je da trazi dirt o Sony i PS5. Lol
  4. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

  5. Esh

    Esh HWB

  6. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Stivi kupi kupi end of life konzolu i od tada pravi lakrdiju od sebe. Znači sjećam se kada je birao šta će kupiti za 100 eura, sekunde su falile da postane sony fanboj.

    Sreća pa je fulio microsoftov cirkus iz 2013
    Patton2410 likes this.
  7. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Control sam dogurao pred kraj, dobar gameplay, ali prica mi je bas meh. I leveli su otprilike svi isti izgledom. S malo vecim budzetom bi bilo puno bolje.
  8. KingT

    KingT Veteran foruma

    Ja GOW prelazim po treci put, sada na New Game + i Give Me GOW difficulty, sinoc sam pobio sve Valkyrie i dosao do Queen.
    Kad zavrsim nastavljam Control , ako opet ne krenem sa GOW :D
  9. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Ja sam tek juce vidio da GoW i Days Gone imaju hrvatske titlove, a imat ce i Ratchet novi. I ja sam GoW ocistio 3 puta i sve su prilike da cu opet nekad. Bas vrh igra. Dobra prica, izazovan, kompleksan gameplay, polu open world sa dosta kcalitetnih side questova.
  10. Eldorado

    Eldorado Komšija

    Šteta što titlove HR nema RDR 2.

    Sent from my Mi 9T using Tapatalk
  11. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Nije tacno, sad ce jos ispast da sam Xbox fanboy i Sony hejter. Postoje neke stvari koje mi se kod Sony-a ne svidjaju, jel ja to ne smijem rec?
  12. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Ispadaš djetinjast, a do jučer te konzole nisu interesovale. Samo nastavi volim ja cringe.
  13. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Nisu me zanimale, sad me zanimaju, i?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Ništa, samo nastavi nikad manjka cringea.
  15. KingT

    KingT Veteran foruma

    Evo moj LIVE na GOW vs Final boss - PATNJA :D
  16. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Grehota ovo uploadat u 30 fpsa :p
  17. KingT

    KingT Veteran foruma

    Igra je bila na 4k60 a video stream na 1080p60 , ali posto je stream isao sa PS5 a ne preko externe capture card izgubilo se dosta na kvaliteti prikaza.
    Al posto mi je Sigrun razvalila dupe i nije neka steta :D
  18. KingT

    KingT Veteran foruma

    Jutros sam ubio Sigrun Valkyrie Queen na najtezem difficulty :p
    Pelikan and Sena like this.
  19. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Jutro je pametnije :D sad ce zivot biti prazan, probat ces jos nekih igara ali ce biti meh :D
  20. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Malo detaljnije o đojsticima:

    Here’s Why PS5 Joysticks Drift (and Why They’ll Only Get Worse)

    Why Drift Happens
    Two of the offerings from Alps’ catalog.
    Right on page one of the product sheet is the operating life for the RKJXV’s potentiometers: 2,000,000 cycles.

    One of our teardown engineers measured their own Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) controller interactions for back-of-the-envelope joystick life math. Averaging ten different 30-second intervals, they made roughly 100 full potentiometer rotations per minute. If you play a less stick-intensive game than a first-person shooter, rotating 80 times per minute, you’ll hit 2,000,000 rotations in 25,000 minutes, or 417 hours—that’s just 209 days, playing 2 hours per day. At a more kinetic 120 rotations per minute, that’s 139 days at 2 hours per day. So Alps’ own rating for accurate joystick measurements is, in one gamer’s hypothetical experience, 4-7 months—and that’s with a very non-pandemic 2-hour cap on your game time.

    That doesn’t necessarily mean your joystick will drift at that point—it could fail earlier, or keep working fine for much longer. But nothing lasts forever, and potentiometers are no exception.