Battlefield 4

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by NAILS, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. chenta

    chenta Aktivista

    Ali su zato pokvarili netcode, gori nego prije, desi se da nema markera nikako u dosta situacija, pa ne znas ni jesi li pogodio ili nisi, nekog oboris a neko samo odseta :)
  2. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    Koliko velik je dlc ? + patch...
  3. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker Aktivista

    Patch je nekih 880 MB, a ustanak ~4.3 GB.
    Par stvari koje me pravo nerviraju:

    Ovi hajvani s aimbot, mozda je i prihvatljivo nekima da EA/DICE mogu traziti >$100 za igru koja nije hack proof. Ali ove gluposti s avionima i god mode dok bodes nozem sigurno nisu.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  4. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    China Rising mape su odlicne. Gullin Pass me toliko podsjeca na Vitnam mape. Tako da mi je ona postala favorite. :)

    Vec sam otkljucao L85A2, MP7 i Mtar. Jesam se pravo zabavio dok sam ispunjavao L85A2 zadatak za otkljucavanje. Na kraju mi ostane da sa defibrilatorom ubijem nekog. Puno lakse ubiti nekog ako malo charge pedale prije nego pokusas ubiti. 5 puta sam poginuo, i to svaki put sam taman bio iza nekoga, pocnem puniti, ili se okrenu, ili me sa ledja skinu. :D A i ako sam otkljucao assignments za ove 3 puske, nakon svake runde mi opet izlistava iste kao ne dovrsene. Mada svejedno mi za taj bug, jer imam pristup oruzju, sto je najvaznije. Oruzja su okay. Sigurno ce biti puno bolja sa bilo kakvim nisanom osim iron sights. Jer i na L85 i Mtar, iron sights je uzasan. Cim pocnes pucati, nista vise ne vidis kako od recoila tako od muzzle flash-a.

    Samo su me iznervirali sto su odgodili do daljnjeg patch najavljen jucer za PS4. Blur ubija u pojam. Doslovno me glava pocne boliti nakon 3-4 partije.

    Jel ovo nema levolution na novim mapama?
  5. AhmeT

    AhmeT Overclocker

  6. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

  7. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Evo vam dobar izbor vec napravljenih amblema:

    A evo nacin na koji da ga importujete na Battlelog:

  8. xman

    xman Komšija

  9. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    Novi updatei :)

    Game update:
    Dec 9 PC Game Update Notes
    Shot behind cover when changing stance
    Sometimes the character stance could get into a multiple frame desync and be part of the problem where you got shot even though your character was actually behind cover. This would mostly affect players doing transitions into crouch and prone as well as moving when crouched. The impact was smaller in a standing stance. This bug fix eliminates this particular desync issue.

    We have also increased the camera height when crouching and moving to more accurately reflect the actual height of your soldier in that stance (the first person camera was too low when crouching and moving, resulting in that you had a poor representation of how much of your soldier that was actually out of cover.)

    -Fixed one of the most frequently occurring client crashes
    -Fixed broken collision on containers with open doors. The bug previously made grenades bounce back even though the doors were open.
    -Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win the round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb, if the bomb was disarmed in the previous round.
    -Miscellaneous stability fixes further reducing the number of client crashes
    -Fixed side gunner jitter when aiming in attack boats & transport helicopters
    -Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission)
    -Fixed broken aiming for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike
    -Fixed a bug where the sound when capturing a flag was not playing correctly
    -Removed a bug that would double save during MP round transition and SP level transition. This fix will reduce the occurrence of corrupted save files.

    server update: We're rolling out a new server update starting at 11AM UTC Dec 9. During this deploy for a few hours, BF4 multiplayer on PC will be unavailable. At the same time, we're rolling out a new game update on PC [].

    R15 Server Update Notes
    -Various server side crash fixes, including the top seen crashes on R14
    -Activated the reservedSlotsList.aggressiveJoin command that enables VIP players and server administrators directly joining full servers
    -Client patch compatibility to make servers compatible with the Dec 09 client update

    i dodatak:

    Today (December 9) we’re rolling out a new server update and a game update for Battlefield 4 on PC, starting at 11AM UTC. This will address issues such as server/client crashes, collision bugs, and frame rate drops. All details can be found in the links below. As a result of these updates, Battlefield 4 multiplayer on PC will be unavailable for a few hours starting 11AM UTC.
  10. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  11. ZubicVila

    ZubicVila Aktivista

    Znaci, upravo sad krenem isti ovaj klip postavit :D
  12. RaP

    RaP Komšija

    haha dobar, hehe

    EL NINO CFC Veteran foruma

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  14. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Sad upali Pleyku4 i vidim patch me cheka od 613MB. Ovo je ako se ne varam vec 5ti za PS4. U predhodna 4 nisu nista popravili. 5ta sreca, nadam se barem.

    Izbacili patch, a nigdje ne mozes naci patch notes, da vidimo sta bi to trebalo da bude popravljeno. :lol:
  15. chenta

    chenta Aktivista

    Zadnji patch za pc katastrofa, sad ima novi revive bug - kad te neko ozivi ostane revive bar na sredini ekrana (accept revive / deploy) i skoro da se nemoze ciljati koliko smeta. Morace patchovati patch :)
  16. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Tog problema na PS4 nema. Ozivili su me 10-ak puta danas, i sve u dure. Samo raja ne zna da mora napuniti defibrilator, da bi ozivljeni imao vise energije, pa uglavnom odmah pogines nakon ozivljavanja. :D
  17. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    za divno cudo mene su danas 2x ozivili bez tog bug-a, a sinoc svaki put sam ga dobio...
  18. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Kazu za taj bug, da bi ga izbjegao, nemoj odmah prihvatiti revive, nego sacekaj 1-2 sekunde, i onda prihvatis.
  19. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Ko fol izgleda i popravili neke stvari (PS4). Odigrao 9 partija za redom na CQ large, i niti jednog crasha. Obicno me uvijek izbacivalo nakon svake druge, trece partije. 5 sati igranja u cugu bez laga. Kako je bilo krenulo mislio sam da necu docekati da opet se moze BF igrati bez problema. :D
  20. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Na pc-u druga priča. Patch svaki drugi dan a sve gore :D
    Drop fps-a, taj revive bug... Prekjučer ona mapa što na metro liči, snijeg onaj, neko me oživi i ja hodam poput spectatora među neprijateljima niti me ko vidi niti ko puca na mene ko da sam nevidljiv. Najgore što nisam nikoga ni ja mogao ubiti.

    Snajper mi nikako ne leži na bf4 i sporo napredujem ko recon, ustvari nikako.

    Sačma Hawk 12 ubi puru a čajna TYPE 99 MBT :smt007