Battlefield 3

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by Vedo, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Bio_Sam_Zmijanac

    Bio_Sam_Zmijanac Veteran foruma

    ma razmisljao sam ali nije mi se dalo.
    ma vjeruj dovoljno mi je ono što je igra puna bugova, još se cheateri pojavili..
    samo sam izasao i usao na drugi server.
  2. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

  3. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

    Bolje da se pozabave rjesavanjem bugova nego da se brinu o modanim serverima, ali ne njima je bitnije napraviti od Battleloga facebook. Ono sto smo dobijali u video klipovima nema veze sa trenutnim stanjem.
    Sa ovim likom se slazem u potpunosti
  4. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Ispade bolji MW3. :lol:
  5. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Ja imam JAK osjecaj da cu da ostanem uz BFBC2, a svaku noc kad igram ovu betu sve vise vjerujem u to. Kad se sjetim bete BF BC2, Port Valdes, ma gameplay je bio VRH, Juka, Jala i ja smo tu jednu mapu siljili svaku noc po 3-4 sata, brojali minute do izlaska full verzije. Nazalost, ne mogu reci i za ovu igru, jednostavno ubi svu volju "instant death" i sto cover nema ama bas nikakve svrhe ( ... r_embedded )

    Realno - ja ni graficki ne vidim neku aman-zaman razliku:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. Triforce

    Triforce Aktivista

    Kaže raja nećemo BF2 samo prepakovan u novi engine.

    Pa eto vam sad. Ja sam se ohladio od ove igre :\ Sacekat cu da izadje bulldozer, uzet sebi jeftino 995 i ownat BC2 :)
  7. Sena

    Sena Veteran foruma

    Odoh ja kupiti BC2. Ne znam, nije ni meni lego ovaj BF3, valjda smo se svi previse nadali.
  8. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    Na sta je CQ spao :x , ista mapa kao rush mod, samo ides gore dole, bez vozila, bez visestrukih ruta, samo tri flags. Opet rade glupu stvar kao sa BC2 pa mape namjenjene za rush samo konvertuju za CQ ne radeci nista da povecaju mapu i da je prilagode CQ modu, a broj slotova duplo veci. Trebali su poceti sve mape raditi namjenjene za CQ, pa kasnije rezati mapu za rush, opet ce biti meatgrinder kao bc2. Ispade da od 9-10 mapa koje ce doci, da ce mozda 4,5 biti izvorno namjenjene za CQ, tj. open area kao caspian.
    Razocaran sam :cry:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  9. Zeleni

    Zeleni Network Ninja

    Ima uvijek back to Kharkand pack :D Karkand, gulf of oman, wake island :D
  10. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    jah, al plati dodatno :)

    opet kazem bf2 rocks, mi od petka pocinjemo zagrijavanje, epp, roni, i ostala ekipa sa bihnet servera :)
    svi su dobrodosli :)
  11. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    EDIT : IF YOU AGREE TWEET @demize99
    If you truly care about what this game will be please take the time and read
    I have played both metro and Caspian
    Following changes are required
    1) Flight
    - Flight physics need to be changed. Jets need to move faster. Choppers need to have better handling. If the current dice devs cannot accomplish this please port desert combat or BF2 controls. I do not understand WHY dice decided to make the controls to unfriendly.
    Yes you can add training wheels to a sports bike and have any random noob ride it in a straight line. But for us who know what we are doing id rather stab myself with a pen dipped in lemon juice and salt than fly.
    - Flight needs to be balanced. Flares need to BE STOCK on choppers and planes, not unlocks. Next you guys will make us EARN our wings by trying to road kill enemies with our wingless plane
    Stingers are too easy to use. Make lock on slightly slower and make them NOT shoot and forget. The engineer should have to lock on, fire and follow the target while zoomed until impact. This would make engineers vulnerable to other infantry while engaging fliers.
    -allow invested controls for flight
    2) Squads
    - This is 10000% required. BF3 (I hope) will not be a headless TDM game. With 64 player CQ maps there needs to be structure. We need Squad leaders that can assign orders, create squads, name squads, invite and kick members.
    - I would hope for squads of 6 in CQ
    3) Spawn System
    - No Herp Derp spawning. Dice went 100% against alpha feedback and not only did they add all spawn but they also added the GAME BREAKING recon beacon.
    - Spawning should be squad leader ONLY, 2142 squad leader only and squad leader beacon or like Alpha merry go round spawning. Spawning is one of the MOST IMPORTANT changes dice needs to make. By forcing squad leader spawn the SQUAD STAYS TOGETHER.... instead of running around in whichever direction like headless chickens.
    - If dice does not fix this CQ will be a spawnorama
    4) General
    - Dice you did not fix 3d spotting, for god sakes stop kicking that horse, admit it was a mistake and just remove it
    - Glint... really dice, really? This is as required as 3d spotting
    - Thanks for the reminder : Add a fucken MAP. The hologarbage that you get when hitting M is USELESS
    - add green overhead names to squad mates, blue for team-mates. This will prevent Accidental team-kills on FF servers. Right when i play none of my team-mates have names... not sure who enemies are.
    - Key mapping. Full keymaping needs to be allowed. Not being able to map the mouse... that terrible.
    - Add a punish system for TKing like in BF2
    - can get to setting while dead.
    - grenades need work, they need to roll, bounce etc.
    - add horn to buggy and jeeps
    - fix flashlight blinding in day
    - different mouse sensitivity for vehicle, foot and flight
    - killcam is hated, make it a server side option, prefer default off (if on shorter and maybe tweaked)
    - remove points for joining a match.. CQ ribbon, rush ribbon lol? Dice common. Also remove points for being spawned on. Next dice will reward us for breathing.
    - Add in game menus
    - Commander (i know, i know.... i wish i had billions of dollars too) :(
    - Return to a detailed BF2 scoreboard that shows team points.
    - Auto healing - make it a server side option or redesign it so you can only Regen up to 50%. So if you get hit and have 75% health you stay at 75% until healed by a medic. If you have 30% you heal up to 50% slowly and stay there until healed by a medic.
    - light-source glare unrealistically blinding me in real life.
    - dice hire some janitors to pick up all that annoying flying paper. wtf
    - open enemy spawn in CQ. Make them capable. (could be locked until all other flags are lost and then it opens for cap) base raping is part of the game, if anything make it a server side option
    - limited vehicle ammo (Restored by amo dumps at flags and base) Choppers and planes at airfield.
    - Leaning - countless times i wish i could lean around corners. Please add this
    - FOV needs to be adjustable
    - Make fences not stop vehicles or make them get stuck
    - extend the time dead enemy kits stay... they disappear to fast
    - allow cooking granades
    - MEDIC REVIVAL - Resuscitation is unreliable. REMOVE the requirement to stand
    - NO SPAWN INVULNERABILITY - someone mentioned this, not sure if it was added or not.
    - Hit detection issues - Insta death / dying behind cover:
    - bipod deploy have its own button
  12. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Ma fali igri milion i jedna stvar, bolje da nije ni bilo bete, bolje bi se prodala na osnovu onih trailera...
  13. Zeleni

    Zeleni Network Ninja

    razlika izmedju normalne i limited ed je 3 eura.
  14. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Ne mogu shvatit kako su mogli napravit toliki fail od BF3.
  15. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    izgleda ce biti back to bf2 veceras, samo da se sjetim logina za khm khm verziju xD
  16. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Klasika, nije ni izašlo a već hejt prema bf3 :lol:
  17. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    Kod mene origigi jesan od 15 osvojebih na turnirima xD

    Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk
  18. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    pa kuces dalje da je console port BC2 imao bolju betu na PC nego, "PC is main platform for BF3", beta. Da ne govorim o Bf2 MP demu/beta, koji se i danas igra
  19. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma ... ervers.php



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    18 players 23,90 euro
    20 players 25,90 euro
    24 players 29,90 euro
    26 players 31,90 euro
    32 players 36,90 euro
    36 players 39,90 euro
    40 players 43,90 euro
    48 players 46,90 euro
    50 players 56,90 euro
    56 players 62,90 euro
    64 players 69,90 euro

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  20. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    Mi smo ovdje rentali, oni drze najjace game servere. tu najjaci klanovi svoje servere drze bla bla :)