Battlefield 4

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by NAILS, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Ja sam nabio oko 400 sati u BF4, ali to je sve preko klinca da iskreno kazem. U zadnjih mjesec dana, ne znam da sam odigrao 10ak partija. Uletim samo kad patch bude da vidim ima li kakvog napredka. Sve ono sam u ocekivanju da ce sa svakim novim patchom napokon rijesiti probleme. Ali eto prodje 5 mjeseci i u stvari sve je isto, i sa svakim novim patchom malo gore.

    Mada da mi nije raje iz klana, nebi imao ni 50 sati. Sve udjem sa njima malo sega, zajebancija, dok me igrica ne izfrustrira.

    EL NINO CFC Veteran foruma

    prijasnji serijalu si bile prave bf igre, a ovo sad je nula
  3. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator ... al-strike/
  4. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

    A ovo je do sada bio kvalitet? Ma nisu oni normalni.
  5. kolinsb

    kolinsb Veteran foruma

    majmuni ba. ja bf4 nisam igrao sedmicu, i ne fali mi uopste, jer se previse zivciram, posto je igra retardirana. neka idu do djavola.
  6. dag_sa

    dag_sa Novi član

    LOL! :lol: Sta li se to desilo pa je EA odlucio da nesto odgodi? Kad nisu citavu igru ovakvu bugavu htijeli pomaknuti ni minute.
    Mozda konacno sve radi kako treba pa se ljudi sjebali, zona sumraka :mrgreen:
  7. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Pa i zadnji DLC je odgodjen. Pogledaj koliko je kasnio za PC u odnosu na Xbone. Samo tada nisu imali release date pa su ga mogli pustiti kada su htjeli, a sada imaju.

    EL NINO CFC Veteran foruma

    Odgadjaju sigurno radi patcha koji ce nesto popraviti ali isto tako pokvariti
  9. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Ja se cuo sa ovim mojim sto su vec skinuli DLC i patch na PS4, i kazu lag gori nego ikad. Tako da ja necu ni skidati NS.

    Stvarno nemam vise zivaca za BF4. BF3 mi je bilo nepojmljivo neigrat 3-4 dana, a sad BF4 mi ne naumpadne sedmicama.
  10. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    March 31 PC Game Update Notes

    -General stability improvements
    -Fix for a crash that could occur when players were customizing vehicles.
    -Fix for an issue in the Rush game mode where end-of-round screen would always indicate that there were 60 minutes left of the game.
    -Fix for an issue where the splash damage for IFV shells, Helicopter rockets, and Mortar rounds was unable to destroy deployed equipment.
    -Fix for an issue that could cause the quad bike to explode when it hit indestructible objects.
    -Fix for an issue that would cause sniper rifles to display too much bloom when aiming in snowy conditions, especially the outside areas of Operation Locker.
    -Fix for an issue where the ECM would sometimes fail to jam incoming missiles.
    -Shortened the take-off distances for jets to match the length of the runways in Second Assault maps.
    -Fix for going above ceiling exploits in Operation Metro.
    -Fix for a new MAV riding exploit.
    -Fix for kill camera jittering/strobing sometimes if colliding with other world objects or terrain.
    -Fix for soldiers getting catapulted when walking on steep surfaces

    -Fix for an issue where the kill camera would display the incorrect killer.
    -Fix for an issue where the kill card won’t show up when playing on servers which have the kill camera turned off.
    -Fixed an issue where other soldiers would appear to fire in the wrong direction when turning quickly.
    -Fix for weapons firing twice, or not at all in some instances.
    -Fix for an issue where explosions didn’t do any damage to infantry and vehicles that were outside of the combat area.
    -Fix for an issue where late-joining players wouldn’t correctly experience Levolution events on Paracel Storm and Flood Zone.
    -Fix for an issue that could cause packet loss.

    -Increased the damage of the normal buckshot against targets with Body Armor.
    -Reduced the vertical recoil of the M4 and M16A4 to give these burst fire weapons a tighter burst accuracy in their mid- to long range role.
    -Reduced the side-to-side and first shot recoil of the G36C. This weapon now has the lowest side-to-side recoil of the carbines, giving it a clear controllable low rate of fire role, especially when compared to the AK5C, Type-95B-1 and the AKU-12.
    -Tweaked the detonation time of the 40mm LVG so it bounces less before going off. The maximum damage has however been reduced to 80 like the RGO.
    -Reduced the number of how many 40mm HE and LVG rounds players can carry, from 4 to 3.
    -Increased the time it takes to get new 40mm round from ammo boxes. The time is longer for HE and LVG grenades and shorter for utility grenades like SMK and FLASH.

    -Increased the time it takes to get new RGO IMPACT, V40 MINI, M84 FLASHBANG and M18 SMOKE grenades from ammo boxes. Since the player now carries more of these grenades, the resupply delay needed to be longer to prevent grenade spamming.

    -Significantly improved the suppression from mounted vehicle weapons, including miniguns, HMGs, LMGs, and all shells types for all armored vehicles.

    -Further reduced the repair rate for the Scout Helicopters and the Transport Helicopters.
    -Significantly increased the damage of Transport Helicopter miniguns.
    -Changed the flight ceilings on Gulf of Oman, Caspian Border and Operation Firestorm to better match the height of the structures in those levels.
    -Adjusted the damage of the 25mm and 30mm cannons for both Stealth Jets and Mobile AA to be equal in Damage Per Second to the 20mm default weapons. These weapons were clearly poorer choices in all circumstances, and their different rates of fire are intended to be the player's choice factor for these weapon systems.
    -Increased the splash damage and the range at which the JDAM bombs can achieve max splash damage. The JDAM's power was not properly balanced with its difficulty to use. The JDAM remains a primarily anti-vehicle weapon, though this change will increase the effectiveness against all targets.
    -Increased the accuracy and direct hit damage of the AC130 40mm cannons. 40mm cannons can now be used to fire pinpoint shots in 2-3 round bursts, enabling them to provide accurate fire on infantry and vehicle targets. Their velocity has also been marginally increased to aid their accuracy.
    -Increased the splash damage and range of the AC130 25mm cannons. These cannons now do approximately 50% more damage, in a slightly increased area of impact. The increased damage as well as increased suppression effects will allow the 25mm cannon to fill its role as an area of effect weapon against infantry.

    -Mantle now requires Catalyst 14.2 or later drivers.
    -Fixed multiple crashes.
    -Fixed memory leak when switching between windowed and full screen.
    -Optimized memory management which can reduce amount of performance stalls when video memory is overcommitted.
    -Improved performance when vsync is used.
    -Fixed bug with offset mouse cursor when using full screen and horizontal windows taskbar.
    -Multi-GPU: Added initial support for frame pacing for smoother frame rate in full screen mode, enabled by default. Can be disabled in console / User.cfg with “RenderDevice.FramePacingMethod 0”.
    -Multi-GPU: Fixed black screen when starting on machine with multiple GPUs where the weakest GPU has the display attached to it.
    -Multi-GPU: Fixed intermittent crash when switching between windowed and full screen mode when having multiple GPUs

    -Fixed bug with borderless window not covering entire screen when starting up
  11. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    krenuo je update, i naval strike download :D
  12. kolinsb

    kolinsb Veteran foruma

    ja skino prije 1h. nisam ni probao, neda mi se nesh. ocekujem sranje opet cccccc umjesto da se covjek raduje update-u i novim mapama, ja se svaki puta razocaram jer uvijek iznova nesto sjebu cccccc
  13. sawfactory

    sawfactory Novi član

    cak ni ovaj 2x xp me nije privukao nesto da igram :D
  14. Zeleni

    Zeleni Network Ninja

    Eh eto kad su ogadili igru okorjelim veteranima.

    Osjecam se ko da sam platio 50e za neki early access shit na steamu. Nikad vise.

    Imam witchera 3 i sljedeci sc2 na preorderu, ali to nije sranje koje izlazi svakih 6mj.
  15. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Nema šta sjebali su igru. Nasa ovo ne popravi. Šteta ogroman potencijal je bio. Nema čovjek više šta igrati.
  16. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Nova sezona:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  17. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Kakva stoka su EA/DICE. Znaci patimo se 5 mjeseci mi na PS4 i XB1, zato sto oni nisu odmah htjeli da uloze koji dolar vise i uvalili nam neke low end servere da kidamo zivce na njima.

    Jucer poigram prvi put od kako je prije sedmicu izasao Naval Strike na PS4. Ja vam ne mogu opisati kako lose radi, i KOLIKI je lag i rubber banding. Doslovno ne mozes se kretati vecinu vremena. Osim sto mi svake sekunde stutter vojnik, svakih 3-4 sekunde samo pocne hodati u mjestu. Znaci samo slajdra u mjestu, i tako jedno 3-4 sekunde dok opet ne pocne se kretati. Stic do druge zastave je naucna fantastika. Jednu raketu sam znao ispalit po 3 puta. Cujem zvuk rakete da sam je ispalio, ali ono ustvari nisam. Strasno, strasno.

    Kasnije sam nasao DICE 'TEST' server na Mortar mapi. Radi kao podmazano. Mora da je jedan od novih servera, malo skuplji sto su se upristojili da ga stave za BF4 na PS4.

    Djubrad, djubrad, djubrad. Ne da necu pre-order iduci BF. Pitanje je hocu li u opste kupiti iduci BF. Toliko su mi se ogadili i EA i DICE da nemam rijeci za njih.
  18. kolinsb

    kolinsb Veteran foruma

    jucer smo i mi na PC imali problema sa lagom na serverima. vraca me po mar metara unazad cccccc nego, de mi recite na koji nacin je najbolje podesiti onaj smoth network qrac :D ping na serverima mi je oko 30-35ms, ali imam osjecaj da me lik dosta prije vidi i rokne. cak i kad ga roknem sa jacom puskom, sa par direktnih pogodaka, ostane mu 30-50%, a on mene sa nekom prackom pukne odmah....
  19. RaP

    RaP Komšija

    Igra smece samo teski techdemo u pojediim trenucima, nek oni meni redaju one battlepackove a to sto idem pa se vratim nazad to nista jeb... im otese nam pare na pravdi Boga
  20. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    kolinsb - Cijela poenta pokvarene igre je to sto govoris, los netcode - losa komunikacija izmedju igraca.

    Sto se tice slajdera, to je koliko hocs da ti laze koliko je igra dobra. Ako stavis na 100% igra ce izgledati ispeglanije sto se tice stvari u pokretu, animacije igraca li nepreciznost prikaza i netcode pa i hitreg ostaju isti. I obrnuto. Stavi na nulu i biti ce vidljivije koliko sve to lose radi. Koliko je los netcode sa prikazom gdje se koji igrac nalazi.

    Komunikacija izmejdju servera i igre je 10 puta u seknudi. Ono izmedju predvidjanje gdje bi mogao igrac otici. Taj prazan hod proguta gomilu stvari pa i to da te neko prije pogodio nego ti njega.