Znaci uzas optimizacija kao crysis 3 ili preset automatski upali 8xMSAA. Nije to pravi hardverski path tracing. Jedino ako nema PC exclusive toggle za hardverski tracing, na fazon Hairworks/Tress FX.
Izgleda da igra samo podrzava DX11 + ima naljepljenu Raytracing Vulkan extenziju kroz dx11, nije ni cudo sto su performanse smece. Uopste ne izgleda kao next gen naslov a zahtjevnija od RDR2 i Metro Exodus.
Quick cash grab. Cisti console port em jos koristi 4 jezgre od toga samo dvije intenzivno, bazirano na crysis 2 engineu. Bas sramotno.
Crysis Remastered is still CPU-limited in object drawing, and it's still heavily reliant on single thread performance generally, to devastating effect. There is indeed more threading than Crysis 2007, and AI activation no longer tanks frame-rate like it does in the original, but we are still looking at a game that is not optimal for today's many-core processor architectures. I've put together the closest I can get to optimised settings and unfortunately, even the fastest gaming CPU on the market - the Core i9 10900K - still cannot lock to 60 frames per second. To put this into perspective, Crysis 3 from 2013 can utilise all 20 threads of the 10900K, but Crysis Remastered cannot. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2020-crysis-remastered-pc-tech-review Aaaa gluposti, pa ovo je bio najveci performance bottleneck u vanili, bio sam udjedjen da ce optimizovati remaster za MC procesore.
Crysis Remastered PC Update 1.2.0 released, brings CPU improvements https://www.dsogaming.com/news/crys...sed-brings-cpu-improvements-full-patch-notes/
Novi patch za Remastered: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crysis/comments/k0tcow/crysis_remastered_updated_130_pc/