FireFox nadogradnje i nove verzije

Discussion in 'Operativni sistemi, aplikacije i programiranje' started by ming, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Firefox Security Update Released

    An update to the popular Firefox browser has been released that addresses a number of security issues

    The Mozilla Corporation yesterday released Firefox The update corrects a number of security vulnerabilities, seven of which are labeled critical in Mozilla’s bug tracking software Bugzilla. Although the update is mainly a security update to the popular web browser, it also makes improvements to the browser's stability. It is recommended that anyone using an earlier version of Firefox install the update.

    The security update does not address the recently discovered issue where a piece of spyware installs a fake version of the numberedlinks extension that is able to steal form data entered by the user that is then sent to the spyware makers servers.

    For those of you who have been keeping up with the latest browsers, Microsoft is now taking the market more seriously with Internet Explorer 7.0 and includes anti-phishing technology, tabbed browsing and integrated RSS feeds. A recent eWeek article noted that the playing field is becoming more level now with IE7 Beta 3 and Firefox 2.0 Beta 1.

    Znaci kliknut na help>check for updates
  2. zilo

    zilo Komšija

    Kad smo vec kod vatrene lisice,nemojte instalirati Firefox 2.0 Beta 1.Jos uvijek podrzava samo 2-3 ekstenzije. :)
  3. 3125

    3125 Komšija

    Ma samo ih editujes i stavis 2.0+ Nisam naisao jos ni na jednu koja ne radi nakon edita.
  4. .Dzahdo.

    .Dzahdo. Aktivista

    anti-phishing technology hihiih anti-piširanje :mrgreen: hvala mr. šula
  5. NeTRa1der

    NeTRa1der Komšija

    Re: FireFox update

    ...samo sto kod mene ovaj nacin update-a proradi tek 24h nakon zvanicnog objavljivanja nove verzije :)

    evo upravo sam maloprije vidio na par stranica update i za T-Bird, ali help>check for updates zapinje i kod T - Bird-a :wink:
  6. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Evo prije par sekundi FireFox se nadogradio na

    opet ista procedura

    Znaci kliknut na help>check for updates
  7. zilo

    zilo Komšija

    6.1 MB.

    Ode mi limit na update firefox-a. :mrgreen:
  8. Cobalt

    Cobalt Aktivista

    Ja koristim ovu beta 2.0 :)
  9. SamiRX-8

    SamiRX-8 Komšija

    Heh, meni danas sam skide update i ja ga samo instalirah :mrgreen:
  10. zilo

    zilo Komšija

    ''Firefox is a security and stability update that is part of our ongoing program to provide a safe Internet experience for our customers. We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version.

    * Improvements to product stability
    * Several security fixes

    Release Date: September 14, 2006''

    Help > Check for Updates ...
  11. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

  12. BiceBolje

    BiceBolje Overclocker

    Dobra, sviđa mi se pravo.

    Mislim da polako prelazim na nju sa Opere...
  13. FearLess

    FearLess Aktivista

  14. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Sinoc se sama apdejtala 8)
  15. donjapa

    donjapa Overclocker

    ne vidim neke bitne razlike izmedlju RC2 ili RC3, ali bitno je da je novo pa nek je i loshija :)))
  16. ming

    ming Veteran foruma

    Sta ti ocekujes? 3d prozore, da smanji bandwidth? Pa samo je bug fixed u odnosu na RC2 :roll:
  17. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Ja vala vozim :)
    2.0 (jos) nisam probao, ovih dana cu dat sansu Operi. :mrgreen:
  18. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Kakva je ovo protekcija? :mrgreen:

    Gdje je sticky za operu?
  19. Qler

    Qler Veteran foruma

    sticky je samo za ozbiljne browsere :D
  20. DC One

    DC One Aktivista