Navodno fix za low fps u novom Assassinu: you need to disable full-screen optimization if you're using Windows 10. Go to the game's directory - the Uplay default folder for the game is Program Files x86/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/Games/Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Then right-click on the 'ACOdyssey.exe' application (it should be at the top), go to 'Properties', then 'Compatibility', and then click the box that says 'Disable Fullscreen Optimizations". Sent from my P20 Pro using Tapatalk
do amd grafe ja mislim, a mozda i cpua Jer dok sam imo amd grafu bilo je puno igara koje nisu koristile cpu koliko treba, kada sam presao na nvidiu iznenadio sam se kako je i iskoristivost cpua porasla. To zovu mislim draw calls
"EA may release remasters of the first Command & Conquer games, wants to bring the franchise back to PC" “As most of you may know, we recently announced Command & Conquer: Rivals, a mobile game set in the Command & Conquer universe. Following the reveal of Rivals, we heard you loud and clear: the Command & Conquer community also wants to see the franchise return to PC. And as a fan of C&C for over 20 years, I couldn’t agree more. With that in mind we’ve been exploring some exciting ideas regarding remastering the classic PC games, and already have the ball rolling on our first effort to celebrate the upcoming 25th Year Anniversary.”
Ja odustao od F4 kada sam naletio na takav bug da sam morao vratiti dva sata save unazad. Bilo ih je dva ili tri u toku igre, poslije zadnjeg odustao. Doduse kod mene je bila narodna verzija pa nije bilo update-a. Sjecam se da je i u F3 bilo smijesnih scena, pogotovo nesinhronizovanost zvuka i animacije lica likova. Igra ima tu neku atmosferu i gameplay koji te opet privuce.
Ja dva puta kupio F4, i obje prodao (jednu za one, drugu za ps4). Radi ko karina, a izgleda isto ko karina. Da su lose performanse barem opravdane. Bolje da id koriste.
Nije mi ovaj tomb radier nesto valaj, rise me zalijepio pet sati u startu, ovaj nista, jos lose performanse. Aj gameplay ne mogu kroz patcheve popravit, mogu valjda performanse.
Warcraft 3 Remaster, Reforged, Announced “We also got a brief look at gameplay shots, showing much-improved graphics over the original version. The video boasts that it features fully remodeled characters and animations, remastered maps and campaigns, an upgraded UI and world editor, and 4K support.” The game launches next year but will be playable at BlizzCon for attendees.