PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by forzamilan, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Red je da otvorimo temu jer mislim da ce biti dosta govora o ovoj igri ubuduce posto je tek early access. Igra se prodaje ko luda, na steamu trenutno no2. Uglavnom igrivo je nema nekih prevelikih bugova, igra dinamicna zanimljiva. Igram pretezno sa squadom ima nas 5-6 aktivnih igraca pa ko hoce bujrum da uleti na ts kanal nek se javi na pm.
    Jedino se nadam da ce 1st person postati mainstream jer 3rd je dobar za kempanje. Zasad najveca zamjerka na performanse i povremeni lag ali valjda ce to ispeglati ubuduce. Ja sam je uzeo preko cdkeys za manje od 25 eur. Ima samo jedna mapa ceka se veliki update za koji dan da ispravi dosta stvari i bit ce i novih mapa ubuduce.

    Dosad 2 pobjede imao mada sam jos jako tanak, jedan sa squadom drugi dual.

    kompiracha mi je nick :D

  2. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    Kaka je igra o cemu napisi sta za nas koji ne guglamo

    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  3. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Nisam igrao par dana ali se nameracim u toku sedmice. Prodali su oko 5mil kopija.


    Igra je pravi triler. Nekada se spustiš u školu ili vojnu bazu cisto radi okršaja, a nekada soliras na ivici kruga i cekaš zavrsni.

    U ovih 30h: 3x #2, 4-5X #3. 12X top 10. Nisam jos uzeo prvo mjesto.

    Nick: NAIILS

    Nisma jos igrao duo i squad pa cim budem ready javim se samo bih ja mogao preko dana. Do 4-5h. Ranije idem leci tak oda nista od nocnih partija kao prije.
  4. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Iz aviona iskace 100 ljudi na otok i pobjednik je samo jedan #1 preživjeli. Ili jedan squad. Po kućama tražiš oružje i opremu. Tokom partije se sužava battlefield i budes forsiran u sve uži krug kako partija odmice.


    Trailer je mal oprenapuhan:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  5. bhd

    bhd Veteran foruma

    Jel zahtjevna igra plaho

    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  6. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Ja je igram na konfi iz potpisa i nisu performanse neka sreca. Nesto je zahtjevnija radi velike mape i dosta igraca a ima tu i loše optimizacije i laga.
  7. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Ja nemam konstantnih 60fps jedino kad opalim na low al tako mi se ne igra. Jucer mi je bolje islo moze bit do servera. Nije ovo ispeglano ali ko ne trazi dlaku u jajetu zabavit ce se pravo. Bf1 dosadio vala nisam zadnjih mjesec dva odigro ovo dodje ko osvjezenje jer dayz oduzima vise vremena ne mozes odigrati ko ovo dat dva i cao.
    Preskakanje zidica tj nemogucnost jako zivcira kazu da ce sljedeci patch ispraviti to.
  8. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Ne poada puno killova kao u BF i bobra je dosta sporija tako da se moze tolerisati.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  9. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

  10. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Jel to patch live?
  11. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    1st Person ce biti treceg avgusta a ovi manji fixevim mislim ove sedmice.
  12. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    Sami sebe lazu, ubacuju crate sranja u early access igru a obecali da nece. Dangube vrijeme i early access pare na skinove umjesto da ustimaju igru sto prije. To im kobajagi zafalilo para na 5mil kopija pa ne mogu odvojiti od sebe+sponzori za Gamescom takmicenje. A da se operu malo od svog sranja ubace na kraju da dio ide u dobrotvorne svrhe, dobra fora.
  13. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Ma mi smo budale sto kupujemo early acces. Ono sto oni rade provjeren i vec vidjen model da se izmuzu pare. Nadam se boljem scenariju od dayz al daj boze.
  14. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Kakve veze ima programer koji popravlja bugove i artist koji pravi skin...
  15. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    Taj artist uopste ne bi trebao da radi ovakve debilne "out of place" skinove , nego da rade na mapama, modelima oruzja, da popravlja scale objekata pogotovo sad kad ce ubaciti 1st person mode.
  16. zoi

    zoi Veteran foruma

  17. igor.g

    igor.g Komšija

    To je intervju postavljen danas, a uradjen prije par dana. Tu je vec promjenio stajaliste kao na fazon ubacit cemo crate samo zato da testiramo prije release-a, dropove mozes testirati i na free crate sa poenima.

    "We're not doing monetization during early access, it'll be afterwards." ... reator.php

    "As far as monetization is concerned, know that we eventually intend to give the player options to purchase cosmetic items only. However, until the game is out of Early Access, our development resources will be focused entirely on improving the Battle Royale game mode. Only then will we consider the addition of in-game purchases."

    "What were planning to do, is to add purchasable cosmetic items (like clothes/skins) via crates, this will allow us to create free DLC packs down the road." Microtransactions are coming after Early Access." ... tions_(FAQ)#Clothing
  18. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Dobra je igra dok je zafrkancija. Poslije, cim podjes igrati competitive, pocinje da ti smeta sve zivo. Najvise ta interaktivnost sa drugim igracima koji vjerovatno imaju ping 200.

    Neki dan pokusavam da predjem razumnu razdaljinu i trebala su mi 4 vozila jer se svako syjebe u procesu. Zalijepi se za drvo, za zid, prevne se na ravnom itd da bih zaginuo van kruga.

    Ima i cudnih stvari gdje mi lik na bagiju koji vozim full speed, dok sam u zraku, skacem sa jednog brda, probusi dvije gume i kada sletim, izadjem i odmah me headshotuje. To sve sa tri metka sačmare. Ako ima aimbot za gume na vozilima onda yebi ga.

    Ima situacija da odaberem antenu u bazi koja je poprilicno daleko, sletim na antenu direktno na vrh stepenica i tamo lik vec sakupio mali arsenal. Sa padobranom sam poprilicno precizna ali i dalje imaj usituacije da sletis na odgovarajuci krov i onda te lag šutne deset metara u stranu.

    I onda te tako, iznervira i kada te lik legit ubije a ti 15 minuta sakupljao gluposti kao sto se znalo desiti da obidjem 5 kuća i da imam samo pištolj bez ruksaka. Od tih 5, dvije su jigsaw.

    Mozda je placebo ali kao da je netcode bio oštriji kada sam poceo igrati. Sada znam opaliti desetak metaka u lika 3m od mene i ni jedan hit reg. Vidim iz nekog razloga nema ni kišnih mapa.

    Kako reko, dobra je u startu dok je zayebancija. Poslije cim podje nervirati terba ostaviti. Zadnjih par partija se spustao u bazu i školu. Cisto radi okršaja, ne pobjede. I ostavio.

    I dalje je ona igriva i u daleko boljem stanju nego ARMA 3. Napucavanje je super samo mislim da u svemu ovome netcode pravi najveci problem radi ljudi sa visokim pingom jer u tvojoj regiji moze igrati neko sa one strane planete.

    Neka se hladi. Mozda do slijedeceg veceg pačevanja.
  19. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator


    EDIT: Patch koji stiže u četvrtak:

    Without further ado, find the full change log below:

    Server optimisation

    Optimised fences, doors, and windows
    Optimised vehicle physics

    Client optimisation

    Optimised memory usage for world objects
    Optimised terrain rendering
    Optimised vehicle physics
    Optimised user interface

    New items

    Added new weapon Mk14 EBR. Mk14 EBR is a Designated Marksman Rifle that can only be obtained from Carepackages. This weapon is chambered for 7.62mm and sniper rifle attachments


    Added two new face presets and hairstyles to character customisation for both genders


    Added 1st Person server options to NA and EU Solo and Duo game-modes
    Players who choose 1st Person mode will be matched together
    Character view is set to 3rd Person mode in starting airplane and during free fall from the airplane. This will be set to 1st Person only in a future update
    Camera will stay still while looting items to prevent dizziness
    Added a new feature to report players
    Some people killed knocked-out teammates in order to avoid giving kill count to an opponent who knocked them down. Now the kill count will still go to the opponent in this specific case.
    Added new animation when using different consumables
    Improved camera transition when disabling Free look feature (Alt Key)
    Decreased the reload time of VSS
    Players may now re-enter games if they have been disconnected mid-game
    You may now play with Xbox controllers, and we will continue to make improvements with Xbox controllers
    Sound volume difference from inside and outside of building is more obvious
    Added new sound effect while scoping or aiming weapon
    Added new effects when a character is running or sprinting over different types of surfaces
    Improved character animation without any weapon or with melee weapon
    Added slight delay when using the drag-and-drop feature on items in inventory UI. We implemented this delay to provide a fair gameplay environment to all players
    Improved post-process effect when a character takes damage outside of the blue circle

    Items and Vehicles

    Added a lower rail attachment slot to SKS
    You may now honk a car horn when sitting in the driver’s seat with Left Mouse Click
    Decreased the chance of vehicle explosion after the vehicle gets stuck in objects
    Vehicle driving sound will change slightly in FPP and TPP modes
    Added new sound effects for motorcycle tire screech while driving
    Eliminated firing delay of S1897 from pump action after reload
    Improved effects of boats
    Added spark effect to flat tires
    Reduced cast time of First Aid Kit / Painkiller to 6 seconds
    Reduced cast time of Med Kit / Adrenaline Syringe to 8 seconds


    Added more features and hot keys to the Options Menu
    Added new option for V-Sync
    You may now designate a maximum of two different keys for each key bind
    Added new option to set toggle on certain actions and features
    You may now use Mouse wheel up/down as one of your key binds
    Added new keybinds, such as all mute (Ctrl+M) and switching Voice Channel (Ctrl+Y), and a new option to adjust the volume of voice chat
    Added new keybinds to use specific throwables
    Added Colorblind Mode
    Added an FOV slider for 1st person view
    Added some region names to the mini map
    Added new option to display helmet, vest, and backpack equipped on HUD UI. This HUD UI will be updated further in the future
    Added new option to display all equipped weapons on the right side of the screen. This UI will be updated further in the future

    Bug fixes

    Partially fixed client crash issues
    Fixed an issue of weapons sporadically ceasing to fire despite being set to auto firing mode
    You may not use consumables in vehicles underwater
    Fixed bugs below while spectating another character
    A character appeared to be shaking when the character moves around
    Camera swing when a character scopes while walking
    Camera swing when a character peeks left or right while scoping
    A character appeared to be shaking when the player moves his mouse while scoping in Prone
    Characters farther than 500m away from a vehicle will no longer hear the tire screech sound
    Fixed post-process bug underwater in FPP mode
    Fixed an issue of the reloading sound getting played repetitively after dropping a weapon while reloading
    Fixed the probability of getting rainy weather to previous value
    Fixed a bug where a character could not equip attachment with full inventory
    Fixed a bug where weapons would continue to play looped reload animation even after canceling the reload
    Fixed a bug where a character could see through the other side of wall when scoping or crouching against certain walls
    Fixed a bug where a character sitting on objects inside of certain buildings could see through ceilings and walls
    Fixed sporadic issue of disabling in-game UI
    Eliminated bombing outside of Red Zone
  20. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Greškom uletim na standardni server umjesto FPP pa reko hajd da na brzinu završim.


    Bio je vec red. Danas sam, na FPP, imao jedno #2.


    Do sada dva puta #2 u FPP modu. Dosta bolja igra made eto.. zapade me prva kokoš ipak na standardnom serveru.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017