Star Wars : The Old Republic MMO

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by Neo Bahamut Zero, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Esh

    Esh HWB

  2. AhmeT

    AhmeT Overclocker

    Meni nece da prodje prijava za betu. Zavrsim ove informacije sa prve stranice sve uredno, onda se pojavi ono dal prihvatam game testing uslove, i opet se ispunjavaju neki detaljniji podaci, i poslije toga mi javi kao neku gresku, i prebaci opet na ono prvo popunjavanje.

    U Operi nisam cak mogo ni selektovat ono "Yes, I would like to be considered for testing", dok se ove greske javljaju i u Chromeu i IEu.
  3. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Obrati se njihovoj podrsci, pogledaj forum.
  4. AdoSA

    AdoSA Komšija

    Ja sam se registrovao i sve ali kada mi je testiran sistem vratilo me je nazad na formu za registraciju s' tim da je username koji sam izabrao prosli put sada zauzet. Vjerovatno imaju problema sa registracijom ne samo kod mene ;). Pisao sam njihovoj tehnickoj podrsci i nista ... jbg. Valjda ce biti nesto uskoro
  5. Esh

    Esh HWB

  6. Esh

    Esh HWB

  7. Esh

    Esh HWB

  8. Esh

    Esh HWB

    L: ... nquisitor/
  9. Esh

    Esh HWB

  10. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - Sands of Tatooine

  11. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  12. AdoSA

    AdoSA Komšija

    Ona plavka sto sjedi u sredini .... mmm :p

    Za sada igra izgleda puno privlacnije nego ST: Online mada je razlicit gameplay totalno
  13. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Neki od potencijalnih problema s ovom igrom je sto su obecali mnogo novina i dodataka, da ne spominjem ocekivanja fanova i troskove produkcije (voice acting za sve misije).
  14. AdoSA

    AdoSA Komšija

    Da fakat su obecali dosta ali imajuci u vidu prosle BioWare-ove igre mislim da su dorasli izazovu :)
  15. Esh

    Esh HWB

    Kazu da igra nije odgodjena za proljece 2011. jer nikad nisu najavili datum izlaska. Dobra fora :)

  16. Esh

    Esh HWB

  17. Esh

    Esh HWB

  18. AdoSA

    AdoSA Komšija

    Novi E3 Trailer:

    :smt007 :smt007 :smt007
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  19. Zeleni

    Zeleni Network Ninja

    Epic shit :)
  20. Esh

    Esh HWB

    War Zones:
    It’s time to defend your allegiance. As the war heats up, heroes are needed on both sides and it's not enough to fight alone. Unite with your allies from all over the galaxy and travel to the War Zones to defend the Republic or the Empire!

    War Zones are specifically tailored for team versus team combat, and players will experience fierce battles between the Republic and Empire, evoking memories of the famous Star Wars ground conflicts.

    This week we announced that the first War Zone will be located in the majestic mountains of Alderaan. Players will join their allegiance’s fight for control of several important areas. Over time we’ll reveal more information about the Player versus Player experiences in The Old Republic.

    Playable Species:

    The Ratattaki was the first non-human species we announced in The Old Republic and we showed them being played as butt-kicking Bounty Hunters. Today we are revealing that as a stealthy Imperial Agent you can choose to be a Chiss and as a charming Smuggler you can choose to be a Twi’lek. There is more information coming on these, and other, playable species at a later date, so stay tuned to The Old Republic website.

    While we aren't talking about it yet (and I know many of you dislike this but there are various and valid reasons why we do this), we are not saying that you can ONLY be a Twi'lek as a Smuggler. What we are saying is that we are CONFIRMING that as a Smuggler, you can choose Twi'lek as a species. Will there be limitations? Yes, there will be. What are they? We aren't talking about that yet because we haven't come to a final conclusion on some things yet. When we do, you will definitely know but in the meanwhile we are only confirming what we know will not change between now and launch.