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Strasno dobre vijesti, Epic kupio Quixel: Here are some of the things you can expect, starting today: Our subscriptions are now better than ever, and you can look forward to not only lower prices, but also more downloads per month and better terms. Our new Personal, Indie, and Pro plans put more Megascans in the hands of creators than ever before. Quixel Mixer and Quixel Bridge will become free, forever, for everyone! We plan to make these tools better and more powerful with every update. Megascans will now be free for Unreal Engine users. Just use your Unreal Engine account to sign into a Megascans account and get infinite points, forever. This means unbridled access to our library in any resolution you prefer, including the highest available for each asset. You will also have unlimited downloads within Bridge and Mixer. Unreal Engine users will also be able to access a wealth of Megascans assets straight on the UE4 Marketplace, starting with some of our most loved collections such as the Icelandic expedition that was used in the creation of Rebirth.