
Discussion in 'TV, muzika, filmovi i serije' started by SamiRX-8, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. SamiRX-8

    SamiRX-8 Komšija

    Na prijedlog, a i da se ne miješaju filmovi s dokumentarcima, ovako je svima lakše i preglednije :)

    Ovo je posljednji koji sam gledao, iako me zanima skoro sve što ima veze s autima, vjerujem da će se i drugima svidjeti. Ne znam šta bih više rekao, osim da treba pogledati svakako.
  2. Vedo

    Vedo Moderator

    Journey to the Edge of the Universe

    Covjek stvarno shvati kako smo mi samo jedno zrno u pjescanoj plazi, totalno nevazni :)

    Obavezno pregledati u 720/1080p
  3. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

  4. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    A vidis, zaboravio sam na senin film. Evo i od mene ona "Home" preporuka. Neki dan pogledao.

  5. sumeir

    sumeir Komšija

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  6. AhmeT

    AhmeT Overclocker

    I ja pregledah Home neki dan, vidio preporuku tamo u ult film vodicu. Lokacije prelijepe i naracija nije naporna, kratko i jasno.

    Dogov, Life After People je isto zanimljiv.
  7. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Ko voli ove o prirodi, bilo sta sa Davidom Attenboroughom valja.
  8. blaf

    blaf Aktivista

  9. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide.
    Strašno dobar film.

    AFR's newest release deals with the mysterious founding of the greatest nation on earth. The first in the new series, "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" seeks to unfold the fascinating hidden history of early America. Was the dream of a democratic empire envisioned by Queen Elizabeth I? Could this dream have been handed down through secret societies? Who was William Shakespeare - really? And could the new world have been modeled after his dream of a New Atlantis? Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation's infrastructure; symbols that for many represent the true intent of America's destiny.

    This documentary explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America's capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America's newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles in Stone interviews experts on both sides of the heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Is there really a pentagram in the street layout north of the White House? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images? If America was founded as a Christian nation only, where are the images of Jesus Christ? Or does Washington D.C. symbolize another Christ, the Masonic Christ?

    Ova dva su strašno dobra.

    Using state-of-the-art equipment, a group of activists, led by renowned dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry, infiltrate a cove near Taijii, Japan to expose both a shocking instance of animal abuse and a serious threat to human health.
  10. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

  11. Dog_Father

    Dog_Father Moderator

    Food, Inc, - o porijeklu hrane, industrijskoj proizvodnji i korporativnoj politici. Američka priča, ali sve više primjenjiva i kod nas.
  12. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    Tipični glupi ameri. Ždere hamburger svaki dan, debeli ko krmci i kaže nisam znao da nije zdravo :D
  13. GW

    GW Moderator

    Food, Inc. odličan.
  14. Shenron

    Shenron Komšija

    Capitalism: A Love Story. Odlican dokumentarac o kapitalizmu u USA te o posljedicama nedavne krize.

    Sicko. Jako dobro objasnjen zdravstveni sustav u USA i pokazuje koliko je amere briga samo za novac.

    Bowling for Columbine. Ovisnost USA o oruzju i nasilju.

    Fahrenheit 9/11. Ovaj valjda vec svi znaju ali nije zgoreg ga opet spomenuti :)
  15. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    Jeli iko gledao Zeitgeist? Meni je jedan od najboljih koje sam gledao.
  16. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Pa to obavezno, ja ga nisam namjerno spomenuo jer kontam svi su to gledali. Imho nisam gledao bolji dokumentarni, ima 3 nastavka ako se ne varam, topla preporuka!

    Tema je odlična, kontao sam je otvoriti ali eto nikad se nakaniti. Interesuje me WW2 tematika, nisam dugo pogledao kakav dokumentarac o tome pa ako može kakva preporuka, nebitno crno bijeli ili boji.
    Moja preporuka Joseph Stalin, the Real History. Dokumentarac o Staljinu, njegovu usponu i borbe na oba fronta u WW2. Nevjerovatno je koliki je ovaj čovjek bio kult u Sovjetskom Savezu, potpisao je svojoj vlastitom rukom 20 miliona smrtnih presuda, sve njegovi sugrađani a na dan kad je umro stali su vozovi, škole su se zatvorile, javne ustanove stale sa radom, obustavljen je sav saobraćaj, ljudi su plakali. Nevjerovatno.
    Zatim Warlords (Hitler vs Stalin). Dokumntarac koji objašnjava odnose ove dvojice vođe, način na koji je Hitler okrenuo leđa Staljinu, ključni momenat u historiji. Oba dokumentarca ima na yt po partovima.
  17. Juka

    Juka Komšija

  18. sumeir

    sumeir Komšija

    The Arrivals "nezavisni autori" Zavjere i sl.

    The Power of Nightmares BBC-jevo dokumentarac od 3 djela

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  19. pac

    pac Komšija

    The Weight Of Chains

    Ako nekome treba download link neka se javi na PM!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  20. forzamilan

    forzamilan Veteran foruma

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017