pa zar Kenny nije mrtav? nego gdje vi gledate te nove epizode? kada odem na i izaberem ove nove epizode uglavnom dobijem obavijest da ne mogu streamat radi toga i toga. Meni na onoj njihovoj stranici automatski stavi HD kvalitet sto mi popije limit, a ne vidjeh da se moze mijenjat :roll:
Mysterion's identity will finally be REVEALED in the all-new episode "Mysterion Rises", this Wednesday at 10p/9c on Comedy Central!!
#3 - The Top 10 Things We Hated About 2008 #3 - Season 12 Of South Park Stone and Parker, in the midst of telling an audience how much they still care about the quality of their show In recent years, South Park had its share of episodes that spoke far more to Trey Parker and Matt Stone's laissez-faire, sceptical libertarianism ("Smug Alert", "Manbearpig") than to the prime objective: to be funny. Still, the good managed to outweigh the bad, since the last few years also gave us some of the best ever South Parks, like "Make Love, Not Warcraft", "Trapped in the Closet", "The Death of Eric Cartman", and "Fantastic Easter Special". We kinda knew the end was near when season 11's three-part, self-indulgent, and highly overrated "Imaginationland" episode (which stopped being funny sometime around the midway point of episode 2) was given its own DVD release (and way too much fanfare). Of course, "Guitar Queero" immediately followed that three-parter, and inasmuch as it was absolutely awesome, our hope was restored (a little). Until 2008's season 12 came along. With two and a half memorable episodes ("Canada on Strike", which is just amazing, "Over Logging", and the first episode of "Pandemic") out of 14, season 12 was proof the show has sadly run its course. Sure, it had its moments (a lot of the "About Last Night..." episode was inspired, except for the episode itself), but most of the season consisted of boring, badly concieved episodes ("Elementary School Musical", "Super Fun Time", "Major Boobage") or, worse, episodes that were offensive without being funny ("Tonsil Trouble", "Britney's New Look"). Really, though, our ire is targeted primarily at Stone and Parker. It's not that they're out of ideas, it's just that they clearly don't care enough about what anybody else thinks anymore, and they're more concerned with us knowing what they think than making us laugh. Which is too bad, because, at its best, South Park was self-righteous as well as being interesting and, best of all, really really funny. But they're clearly doing the show for themselves and themselves only. And they can go ahead do that. It's their show. They just need to know that many of us aren't going to care anymore.
S obzirom da sam par godina bio na pauzi od south parka kontao sam da je do mene nesto ,gledajuci ove nove sezone vecinom mlake epizode, sreca moja pa imam jos 8,9 i 10 sezonu da skršim
U tim sezonama su neke od najjacih epizoda. Meni ova zadnja epizoda i nije bila toliko losa, ok mi je fol bio sa Kennyem.
Randy cant get enough of the Food Network in an all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "Crème Fraiche," premiering on Wednesday, November 17 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on COMEDY CENTRAL. Stans life is a shambles both at home and in school. Randys obsession with the Food Network Is changing everything. It even forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own. When his mom takes off with her "new interest", Stan is left behind to pick up the pieces.