Bas me zanima da li ce SC2 beta test poceti uz BlizzCon. Bila bi fora kad bi osim ovi hsto su kupili karte i ekipa sto plati ppv dobili beta kljuc
* 4 minute iz SC2 single player kampanje: * SP najava na ShackNews: * Osvoji SC2 beta key preko Twittera: ... r/sc2.html * StarCraft 2 'Old Rivals' Cinematic Trailer HD (490.2 MB): ... er_HD.html * StarCraft 2 Gameplay Trailer HD (182.0 MB): ... er_HD.html
Par detalja o tome kako ce se uvezeti "prica" u SC2 kroz tri kampanje/igre:
Izgleda da je sada vec definitivno da od pocetka beta procesa u tekucoj godini nema nista, dok bi igra [prvi komad] navodno trebala izaci negdje izmedju aprila i juna i naredne godina.
Par detalja o prici: ... player.xml te dizajnu multiplayer mapa: ... player.xml.
Najava nove verzije i integracije u StarCraft II: (video)
The pre-release multiplayer beta for StarCraft II is "ready to launch this month," developer Blizzard Entertainment has announced. The revelation came while Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime was speaking to investors, accompanied by the slide to the left. "We are slated to begin closed beta testing this month," he said, explaining that the multiplayer test will be available to participants across various countries. Morhaime also reaffirmed that the strategy sequel is still on track for a mid-2010 release, with the company having previously hoped to launch the game by the end of June.
Beta test je poceo. FAQ ovdje: ... 3&sid=5010. Mahnite ako ste upali
Prema navodima iz Blizzarda, svi koji su "trebali" dobiti kljuc - dobili su ga, ostalo je jos samo preko nekih nagradnih ili slicno.