Cyberpunk 2077

Discussion in 'Igre i konzole' started by senad_986, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. p4ja

    p4ja Komšija

    Ja mislim da je samo jos mafia imala ovako kriminalne bugove :D
  2. Patton2410

    Patton2410 Veteran foruma

    Meni je AC Unity ostao u pamcenju kao haos slican ovom kad je izasla. To mi je bila zadnja Ubisoft igra koju sam pre-order. Od tada njihove igre samo na snizenjima velikim kupujem.
    p4ja likes this.
  3. Aldiin

    Aldiin Overclocker

    Fallout 76
    Batman Arham Knight
    Days Gone
    Diablo 3
    Tony Hawk 5
    No Mans Sky
    Assassins Creed, nema koji nije
    nenji_avero likes this.
  4. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Batman je imao problem sa performansama. Ne sa bugovima ali opet, samo na PC-u da je bila povucena sa steama. NMS je imao problem sa sadrzajem i trebalo im je 4g da dovedu igru na obecani nivo. AC daleko od toga da je ovako bugovit. Unity je imao samo problema sa performansama. Ne nuzno letecim objektima.

    Ovo je vise na nivou Fallout 76. Ali kontam sta hoces reci. Nije jedina, ni blizu. Samo je svaki aspekt igre kao afterthought. Ne slazem se da joj nema spasa kao taj clanak "No patch can fix Cyberpunk 2077". Ali za ovo treba jedno dobrih godinu dana sredjivanja. Ispegla mehanika i srede bugovi. Zato se plasim kada kazem da neke stvari nisu nuzno bugovi vec jednostavno njihovo razmisljanje kako treba da funkcionise. Kao mozda milicija, kretanje lika (nema sanse da bude tehrd person view) i to sto se ne moze dalje igrati (i obavljati side misije) kada zavrsis igru. Niti igrati iz pocetka sa istim likom.
    nenji_avero likes this.
  5. vutra

    vutra Komšija

  6. Esh

    Esh HWB

    NAILS likes this.
  7. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Dojam od ranije je da je igra CPU bound, ali posto Xbox One ima 150MHz vise od PS4 (1.75 vs 1.6), ne bi trebalo da je toliko losija na Xbox One, ipak je na nizoj rezoluciji zbog slabijeg GPU. Ima tu jos puno problema...
  8. nenji_avero

    nenji_avero Aktivista

  9. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Respekt, nema sta.


    2022 multiplayer.
  10. xman

    xman Komšija

    Nisam probao igru ali po recenzijama ljudi koje pratim i kojim vjerujem 2077 je za mene razocarenje.
    Mimo tehnickih problema.
    Ai retardiran,RPG razvodnjen,cijeli sistemi unutar igre besmisleni(crafting)...
    A i sam setting cyberpunka ne volim.
    Zaigrati nekada za godinu dana.
  11. Reventon

    Reventon Veteran foruma

  12. Haker

    Haker Veteran foruma

    Dobar review

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    NAILS likes this.
  13. Zer0

    Zer0 Aktivista

    3rd person mod
    p4ja likes this.
  14. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    p4ja, Reventon and Decerto like this.
  15. Decerto

    Decerto Komšija

    ovo ce postat novi fallout 76 haha ...
  16. NAILS

    NAILS Moderator

    Ja sam zbog policije odustao. Spawnaju se u zidovima jbt. Cekam bolja vremena. A evo primjer kako funkcionise ko nije igrao, 2:30:

    Ovo je level bethesda igre. Izgubili su reputaciju ne zbog problema vec zbog lazi. Kakav crni napredi AI, nemaju dvije linije koda. U GTA5 moze pola sata gledati interakciju botova i da se nove stvari desavaju, ovdje osnovne stvari svedene na dno dna.

    9/10 je vecina prvih recenzenata dalo igri i onda neko konta da su mozda legit. A "novinarska" verzija bila i gora.

    "CD Projekt RED reveals that Cyberpunk 2077 will have a 'wanted' system with corrupt police as well as 'powerful' NPCs who can come after the player character."

    Oni nece napravidi GTA5 nivo AI ni za 15 godina. I dok je GTA izasao 2013, CDPR prvi dan zaradio više nego sto je GTA 5 kostao. Ironija.
  17. nenji_avero

    nenji_avero Aktivista

    Preletite makar transkript ovoga, mnogo stvari koje se zamjere igri su spomenute i prema njihovim riječima - žele vratiti povjerenje gamera, tako da će intenzivno raditi na ispravljanju sranja.

    tl;dr: Full focus on fixing bugs/crashes. Sony/Microsoft not part of their refund campaign. They still plan to release promised content/DLC. Multiplayer ... maybe. Reviewers didn't get last gen version because they kept working on it. They think AI and NPS behaviour is a bug(? I put question mark here because I think the dude does not understand the extent to which people want this to be improved). Sony/Mikrosoft let them release the game because they trsuted it will be fixed on launch.

    A: How where the sales vs expectations?
    CDPR: Good sales, mostly on PC to early for detailed answer. Sales numbers will be released before the holiday break.

    A: Could you done better job with more developers?
    CDPR: No, it was too late to throw in extra people and they wouldn't help.

    A: How you feel about your ability for DLCs and multiplayer by 2022?
    CDPR: Too early to judge. Let us make more assesment. We are focused on improving Cyberpunk and we will tell more early next year

    B: Have you seen influx of refund after twitter statment?
    CDPR: We're not encouraging players to refund the game. We hope they will trust us. We already released one fix and another one is coming in 7 days. If that's not possible we provide help. We just started. Gamers waited so long for the game so we humbely hope they can wait.
    B: Did you need more external testing? Maybe too much is done inhouse.
    CDPR: COVID didn't help. Our inhours testers were working at home but their extenral testing were not able to do so. We saw this inpacted testing but this is not the reason for this situation.
    B: On Multiplayer. You aren't rushing into that right? 2023 maybe ....
    CDPR: We haven't confirmed any dates yet. We're in situation we haven't planned maybe more info in January. We focus on gamers and fixing current Cyberpunk.
    B: Something about pre orders. Weather people pre downloading Cyberpunk on GOG were part of pre order numbers.
    CDPR: Yes but they had to actually pre order the game to have option to pre download the game. There was no manipulation with the numbers.

    C: Board ignored the warnings about last gen issues. Was game delivered anyway because you wanted to deliver this game this year? Launch is important or you underestimated how bad it really is?
    CDPR: We focused too much on PC perforamance and didn't bother much with last gen consoles. There were no out of ordinary amount pressure to release the game.
    C: How come game went through Sonys and Microsoft certification to get on the consoles?
    CDPR: This is on our side. Sony and microsoft was hoping we will fix the game on release. It's entierly on CDPR
    C: Are you confident last gen consoles will be able to perform or is the game too demanding and no amount of fixing will provide a good product?
    CDPR: We are planning on making the game into much much better shape with the incoming improvements.... don't expect next gen performance. It's gonna be "good playable game without glitchs and crashes".
    Dude C said he ownd PS4 and that he's happy with that last sentance and he's happy he will be able to play the game
    CDPR: You will be able.
    C: Ok ty

    D: Will you still be doing strategic updates in Q1 or that will be posponed?
    CDPR: So far we plan to release strategic updates as planned in Q1.
    D: Can you explain why gameplay from old gens was hidden from people?
    CDPR: We were updating this version until the very last minute and hoped we will make it in time. Becuase it was work in progress so we didn't release it until like 1 day before launch but it was late and it's entierly on CDPR.
    D: How you deploy your staff now? Who works on mobile/next witcher/DLCs? Did staff allocation changed? Will this delay Witcher 4?
    CDPR: Mobile team is working on mobile(I believe this is different developer all together that got rights to develop their game), Gwent team is hard locked on gwent. Cyberpunk will continue to work on patches. We are still working on future projects. At least until february people will be working on patching the game.

    E: Some numbers? Wierd accent can't understand sorry. I think it was development vs marketing costs. And he asked about patches? How much will that cost?
    CDPR: Can't share costs of developing the game. Costs of patching the game is irrelevant to what we can loose here. We made a promise and we will keep working on it. We will release Q4 raport when it's regular time that will show marketing numbers. This is not the time.

    F: Will Microsoft and Sony financially participate in your refund campaignor it's just you?
    CDPR: They have their own policies so it's up to them to handle. There's nothing special done here. It's handled like any other refund.
    F: Will you give free VRC to gamers? Maybe he ment DLC.
    CDPR: We already explained our plans regarding players. Nothing new to add. I imagine this means they don't plan anything "extra" for now outside of fixes and already promised stuff.
    F: Something about bonus policy for empleyees?
    CDPR: No comment about what somebody else said what's happening in the studio.
    F: So there won't be any impact on the Q4 raport because of the refunds?
    CDPR: We cannot say right now.

    G: What will be the shape of the game after the optimalization? Will the game be cheaper on consoles?
    CDPR: Game will have no crashes. Main bugs will be fixed. Performance improvment. Game is playable right now. It's not like the game is not launching or not playable. I understand it's far from satisfactionary but not launching is not the case. Vs PC we stated before you cannot expect PC or next gen like performance. We don't plan to change the price of the game
    G: Could you made a launch without the last gen consoles if it's state was unacceptable?
    CDPR: Theoretically yes but ... no because next gen and last gen release are not seperated (or something). This is because of the promise that everyone with last gen console will get next gen version aswell and we hope this will stop people from refunding.
    H: Comments on PC sales? How's PC players feddback vs consoles?
    CDPR: Initial sales were very good. We're collecting data but PC sales were good. Players feed from PC is better than the one from consoles. Feedback is mixed between platforms and it isn't easy to look at all of them. Revieres got PC version so you can look at early revies.
    H: PC configuration and stability?
    CDPR: PC configurations vary so people will get different performance. Download Nvidia driver. PC players enjoy the game. We see positive comments on streams.
    H: You mentioned next patch in 7 days. What will this patch include?

    CDPR: For console we already remove a lot of crashes with last patch and we aim to remove more with next patch so people can enjoy their game during holidays and again major updates will come in january and february. Please wait.

    Someone was in line after H lady but they fucked up so moderator moved on. Sucks to be that person.

    Next dude was very market oriented. Didn't seem to care about the game at all ...

    I: Tragectory for sales? Something about updating the market?
    CDPR: Sales update will be release before holiday break and more detailed raport will be part of the standard Q4 raport.
    I: How active are the players? Are they sticking up to the game?
    CDPR: We're getting more and more positive feedback. We started at 70(I think he talks about game score or something) and now we're at 79. Once we filter the score based on hours played more hours played higher the score so the more people play the more they enjoy it. We're focusing on last gen consoles but it's not like we're getting negative feedback from next gen consoles. We have more and more happy players ... something something.

    J: Out of 8mil preorders can you tell how many of those are old consoles new consoles and PC?
    CDPR: PC is 59% and consoles 41% but we do not know the split between old/new gen since keys works for both generations and we don't see how the code was redeemed.
    J: What were your expectations of breakdown between those?
    CDPR: We expected more on PC because PC players preorder more and console players usually buy the game after the release. We still don't have update from physical copies so we can't tell.
    J: Yeah I understand that but I wanted to know from budgeting process what were you expecting? (I think he wants to know how many old gen players CDPR expected and maybe they didn't expect enough so they under budgeted it)
    CDPR: PC/console split is what we expected. We were not looking at old/new gen split in estimations.

    K: Are the patches just purely looking at glitches/bug/crashes or will there be gameplay improvements? What about AI and NPC behaviour?
    CDPR: To be honest those are the same for us. AI and NPC behaviour for us are the bugs.
    K: What do you expect in terms of purchases over the year from gamers that decide to postpone the purchuse until they get next gen console?
    CDPR: We offered free update to next gen console so we hope this won't stop anyone from purchising the game before they get next game. Some more uninteresting stuff.

    L: Of the digital copies. How many were sold on GOG?
    CDPR: We're not revealing this number. Cyberpunk has bigger split but something something reasons becasue.
  18. Stevie_Ray

    Stevie_Ray Veteran foruma

    Marketing je cudo, jer svi ti preorderi su samo zato sto su ljudi popusili marketing.

    Znaci ako preorderujes igru:
    1. Day 1 release je uglavnom bugovit, vise ili manje
    2. Ne znas kako ce radit u smislu performansi
    3. Nisi vidio recenzije
    4. Placas vise nego neko ko uzme igru nesto kasnije
    5. Za mnoge fixeve moras cekat mjesecima (vazi samo za bugovite igre al koja to danas nije)

    Ukratko, levatina si.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    EL NINO CFC and NAILS like this.
  19. Pelikan

    Pelikan Veteran foruma

    Kad skipas vrijeme, samo se sunce pomjeri, world state se uopste ne resetuje. Ako je policija hapsila NPC-a, samo ga nastavi hapsiti... 12 sati poslije. Prejako :D GTA3 je imao naprednije sisteme.
  20. Neso

    Neso Komšija

    Rockstar Games je alfa i omega u industriji, sto se tice igri ovog kalibra. Sega je porediti CDPR sa njima.

    Ja sam nahajpan na next gen Witchera, taman za drugi playthrough :) Vjerovatno ce nekad u skorijoj buducnosti poceti da rade i na sljedecoj igri iz tog univerzuma. Cyberpunk cu bas da sacekam, da se zakrpi do maksimuma pa onda kupiti nekad kraj Q1 sljedece godine i odigrati na next gen. platformi.
    Zer0 likes this.